by Stoyan Zaimov Christian Post A YouTube video of an Egyptian man ripping pages from the Quran, the Muslim holy book, and denouncing it as "the source of all evil," has angered conservative Muslims in the Islamic nation, with many calling for his death. "There it is, Allah's book; this is the basic catastrophe. I don't know what day it is of this disgusting month of Ramadan. … [Read more...]
The Shockingly Rapid Radicalization of Egypt
by Joel Hilliker The Trumpet How radical is the new Egypt? This radical: Critics of the Islamist president are being stripped naked and crucified on trees outside the presidential palace. Not even two years ago, Egypt was an ally of the West, ruled by a man who banned the Muslim Brotherhood and suppressed political Islam. The nation's transformation into an Iranian-aligned … [Read more...]
The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
GBTV: Real News … [Read more...]
Arab Spring Run Amok: ‘Brotherhood’ Starts Crucifixions
by Michael Carl WND The Arab Spring takeover of Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood has run amok, with reports from several different media agencies that the radical Muslims have begun crucifying opponents of newly installed President Mohammed Morsi. Middle East media confirm that during a recent rampage, Muslim Brotherhood operatives "crucified those opposing Egyptian President … [Read more...]
Report: Muslim Brotherhood ‘Crucifies’ Opponents, Clamps Down on Secular Media
by Jason Howerton The Blaze As the Muslim Brotherhood continues to solidify its ever-expanding power in Egypt, several Arabic news agencies — including Arab News, Al Khabar News, Dostor Watany and Egypt Now — are reporting that opponents of the Muslim Brotherhood were "crucified" in Egypt last week, the Algemeiner reports. While we can't independently verify the accuracy of … [Read more...]