by Chris Mitchell CBN For those following the news about the Egyptian elections, an article by Raymond Ibrahim is revealing. Since voting ended Sunday night, headlines such as "Muslim Brotherhood Candidate Wins Election" have been trumpeted on different news sites. I saw one of those headlines on the Drudge Report only to open the story up and find the Muslim Brotherhood … [Read more...]
Video lifts veil on Arab-Muslim societies
by Salim Mansur Calgary Sun A young man is pinned to the ground, his head is twisted and a knife held against his throat. In a few minutes the head is severed and held up for display to the public chanting loudly, "Allahu Akbar" (God is great). The video of this gruesome public execution of an apostate — the victim had converted to Christianity from Islam — somewhere in … [Read more...]
Violence Against Apostates Surges in Middle East
by Daniel E. Rogell Investigative Project on Terrorism The beheading of a young Christian convert in Tunisia raises questions about a wave of religious radicalism sweeping the Middle East, writes Islamic affairs expert Raymond Ibrahim for Gatestone Institute. The rise of Quranic literalists in Arab governments and as vigilantes means that "blasphemers" are now risking death or … [Read more...]
The Arab Winter, continued
by Douglas Murray The Spectator Back in November I wrote a cover story for The Spectator arguing that the trend in North Africa for those countries which had thrown off their dictators appeared to be more in the direction of Winter than that of Spring. Since then there have been many developments, including the first round of the Egyptian Presidential elections where the field … [Read more...]
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Candidate Wants Christians to ‘Convert, Pay Tribute, or Leave’ the Country?
by Ivana Kvesic Christian Post Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate competing against Ahmed Shafiq in a runoff election to become Egypt's first elected president in 60 years, has allegedly said that the Coptic Christian population should "convert, pay tribute, or leave" the predominantly Muslim country. The Egyptian news website El Bashayer quoted the presidential … [Read more...]