The Blaze … [Read more...]
Saudi Grand Mufti authorizes marriage to 10-yr-old girls
by Timothy Whiteman The Examiner The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, or on formal occasions, Abd al-'Aziz ibn 'Abd Allah ibn Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Lateef Aal ash-Shaikh (photo - left), has given the official thumbs-up for Muslim men to marry girls as young as 10. According to the Australian news portal The World Observer, the Grand Mufti also … [Read more...]
Fatwa On Woman Breastfeeding Man Stirs Debate In Islamic World
International Business Times The extreme fatwa on Islamic adult breastfeeding is back again, with the Kuwaiti clerics examining and redefining it in the context of husband and wife relations. Quoting Kuwaiti activists, a new fatwa published in an Arabic RT report has said, "Husband getting breastfed from wife is not prohibited according to Islamic law." The report has once … [Read more...]
Truth Or Consequences
The Two Faces Of The Muslim Brotherhood by Wolff Bachner The Inquisitr In Part One of our examination of the Muslim Brotherhood, we outlined the history of the organization and detailed how they manipulate or distort their message to keep the West at bay. It is clear that the Brotherhood is keenly aware of the need to prevent non-Muslims from discovering the truth about their … [Read more...]
Israel a Christian Haven amid Islamic Persecution
by Erick Stakelbeck CBN The so-called Arab Spring has given a big boost to radical Islamists like the Muslim Brotherhood. For Christians, it's been a much different story. Believers in Jesus are suffering major persecution throughout the Middle East and North Africa. But there is one place left in the region where they don't have to fear: Israel. Growing Islamic … [Read more...]