The New York Times has an extraordinary article that extols the virtues of lying and doublespeak in a recent "Memo from Jerusalem." Well, you might ask, what of it? How does a dodgy story on the Arab-Israeli conflict fall within the ambit of GetReligion? What is the religion/journalism hook you ask? To which I respond: lying is a sin or bad manners or … [Read more...]
Cairo: Muslim Brotherhood to protest army’s power
by Oren Kessler Jerusalem Post US officials meet with group's representatives; Brotherhood official: Those who oppose Shari'a are "drunks, druggies or adulterers." The Muslim Brotherhood will join other Islamist and youth groups in staging a mass protest in Cairo on Friday against a constitutional proposal that would shield Egypt's powerful military from parliamentary … [Read more...]
Al Azhar University Responds to Raymond Ibrahim
The following letter was written in response to Raymond Ibrahim's article, "Top Muslim Declares All Christians Infidels." According to American Muslim, "Prof. Faroque Ahmad Khan requested Dr Ibrahim Negm—senior advisor to the Grand Mufti to provide a clarification of the remarks attributed to Sheikh Ali Gomaa. Here is the response that was received." Written in the … [Read more...]
Obama, Gaddafi, and the World Ahead
by Roger Kimball PJ Media One of the most impressive questions to be posed by the death of Colonel Gaddafi was formulated by Raymond Ibrahim in a column for PJ Media: "Gaddafi Dead — So What?" Mr. Ibrahim goes on to anatomize what he describes (rightly, in my view) the "myopic view" of the so-called Arab Spring purveyed by the Western media. Naïveté, your moment has come. A … [Read more...]
Egypt Ascends the Pyramid of Hate
by Dexter Van Zile CAMERA Take a look at the image above. It's a "Pyramid of Hate" used to educate middle school students in the United States about the process of demonization that precedes mass killings. The image is part of an anti-hate curriculum created by "Partners Against Hate" or PAH for short. PAH is an initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Justice and … [Read more...]