The Stream On December 12, the White House announced its release of “the first-ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia and Anti-Arab Hate.” This document asserts that “Islamophobia” in America is a byproduct of “hate” for and “racism” against Muslims. Thus, the first of the document’s four strategies to counter Islamophobia, is to: Increase awareness of hatred … [Read more...]
The Crusades: ‘White Supremacist’ Ventures Defined by ‘Injustices and Unspeakable Tragedies’?
The Stream In recent articles discussing Pete Hegseth’s pro-Crusader views and tattoos, we saw how the “Left” and its media mouthpiece rely on the Fake History version of the Crusades. We also exposed the true source of their fears, namely, Christians finally realizing that the highest virtue of their religion is not being a doormat but rather standing up against evil. There … [Read more...]
Baby Muhammad Takes Over Much of Europe
The Stream “Muhammad” is now the most popular name for newborn baby boys in England and Wales, according to a report released on December 5 by the United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics. It is, perhaps, worth remembering that 17 years ago, a report warned that “Muslim hate fanatics plan to take over Britain by having more babies and forcing a population explosion… … [Read more...]
Fake History Alert: Because Whites Were Never Enslaved, DEI Must Continue
The Stream Because the ancestors of white Americans have never been enslaved, whites can never know what true oppression is. So argued Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) at a recent hearing on DEI (“diversity, equity, and inclusion”). At one point she yelled out: You tell me which white man was dragged out of their homes! You tell me which one of them got dragged all … [Read more...]
Why Islam Is Inherently Genocidal
The Stream Proofs that Islam should be outlawed — that is, if the West was actually serious about its own laws — continue to pile up. In a recent article, we saw that, according to the UN’s own definitions of hate speech, the Koran should be banned not just for routinely hating others by name — Christians, Jews, polytheists, and “infidels” (kuffar) of every stripe — but … [Read more...]