The Stream The Arab-Israeli conflict will never be fully understood — an essential criterion to solving it — until its ultimate source is recognized: Islamic supremacism. Islamic doctrine, which teaches that Muslim blood is superior to and far more precious than non-Muslim blood (non-Muslims essentially being on a level with dogs and cattle) imbues Muslims with a sense of … [Read more...]
Silence! Why Radical Muslims and Triggered Leftists Are the Conjoined Twins of Offense
The Stream Despite their many outward differences, Islamic authoritarianism and leftist liberalism are very similar. Take how radical Muslims and triggered liberals brook no dissent—that is, brook no “blasphemy” against their sacred things and ideas. In his discussion of Koran 5:33, which calls for the crucifixion and/or mutilation of “those who wage war against Allah and … [Read more...]
Audio: Updates on Muslim Persecution of Christians with Raymond Ibrahim
Fr. Robert McTeigue of the Catholic Current recently interviewed me. The nearly hour-long audio and its official description follow: We welcome back author and scholar Raymond Ibrahim to update us on the more recent attacks against Christians. Why is there continued media silence on such attacks, and why is hope for a "Muslim Reformation" a foolish idea? … [Read more...]
Is Terrorism the Weapon of the Weak?
The Stream The “Muslim grievance” mantra is back. Israel’s war in Gaza, we are again being told, is going to prompt aggrieved Muslims the world over to resort to terrorism — the “weapon of the weak.” Thus, during a recent U.S. Senate hearing on global security threats, the top American intelligence official, Avril Haines, “warned that the war in Gaza could embolden terrorist … [Read more...]
‘I Have Learned to Cut Throats’: The Specter of ISIS Lives on in Western Nations
Are the Islamic terror attacks that plague the world random outbursts of Muslim madness, or are they the result of calculated directives? Consider the following, seemingly disparate accounts. On Apr. 22, 2024, Muslim terrorists rammed their vehicle into four Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem, causing three of them to go flying in the air. On Apr. 15, a Muslim man lunged at and … [Read more...]