Published in FrontPage Magazine Translations of this item: Italian Anders Breivik, who went on a shooting spree in Norway last year, killing some 70 people, recently confessed his inspiration: al-Qaeda, the jihadists par excellence of the modern world. According to AFP, "The gunman behind the Norway massacres said he was inspired by al-Qaida as he took the … [Read more...]
Distruggere un corano o molti Cristiani: Cosa è peggio?
Pezzo in lingua originale inglese: Destroying One Koran vs. Destroying Many Christians Il famigerato rogo del Corano compiuto dal pastore della Florida, Terry Jones, a provocato una vera isteria nel mondo islamico. Nel solo Afghanistan, una ventina di persone, tra cui dipendenti dell'ONU, sono state uccise al grido di "Allahu Akbar!". I leaders occidentali in tutto il mondo – … [Read more...]
Yemen: Sharia Supporters Behead ‘Sorceress’
by Raymond Ibrahim • Apr 19, 2012 at 4:37 pm Cross-posted from Jihad Watch According to the Arabic website Al Shorfa, an al-Qaeda affiliated group in Yemen, called Ansar al-Sharia (or the "Supporters of Sharia Law") beheaded a woman on April 11 for "practicing magic and sorcery." Members of the group broke into the home of Sharifa Amr—a local healer who used natural herbs to … [Read more...]
San Jose, California: Named After ‘Saint Hussein’?
by Raymond Ibrahim • Apr 19, 2012 at 1:35 pm Cross-posted from Jihad Watch Muslim claims that eminent Western figures—whether William Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln, or Leonardo Da Vinci—were Muslim believers are as frequent as they are unfounded. Here is yet another attempt to Islamize Western history: During an interview on Arabic TV, a Shia Muslim cleric, apparently in … [Read more...]
Islamic ‘Adult Breastfeeding’ Fatwas Return
Danish Back in May 2007, Dr. Izzat Atiya, head of Al Azhar University's Department of Hadith, issued a fatwa, or Islamic legal decree, saying that female workers should "breastfeed" their male co-workers in order to work in each other's company. According to the BBC: He said that if a woman fed a male colleague "directly from her breast" at least five times they would … [Read more...]