by Raymond Ibrahim • Dec 20, 2011 at 1:22 pm Cross-posted from Jihad Watch Time and time again, we see how Western concepts, when articulated through an Islamic framework, lead to results antithetical to the West. For instance, "democracy" and "elections"—which in the West suggest "freedom," "human rights," "liberty," etc.—are today being used to bring Sharia law, the … [Read more...]
Muslim Cleric: “Face of a woman like her vagina”
This from popular Egyptian preacher Abu Ishaq al-Huwaini–who earlier said that Islam teaches Muslims to plunder, rape, and enslave infidels. A leader of Egypt's Salafi movement, which came in second only to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt's recent elections, Huwaini's comments are a reminder of what's in store for the nation. "Face of a woman like her vagina," from Elaph, … [Read more...]
Sharia’s Sinister Smiles
Published in Jihad Watch The totalitarian nature of Sharia law can only be grasped when one appreciates how thoroughly it permeates and dictates everything in a believer's life—including when and to whom a Muslim may smile. Popular Islamic TV preacher Sheikh Muhammad Hassan appears in this video clip asserting that, according to Sharia, it is "not at all permissible" for … [Read more...]
Collective Punishment Under Islam
"Wherever You Can Reach Them" Published in Hudson New York During a recent altercation in Egypt, a Christian inadvertently killed a Muslim. This incident, according to anAINA report, "turned into collective punishment of all Copts in the majority Christian village." Two Christians "not party to the altercation" were killed; others were stabbed and critically wounded. As usual, … [Read more...]
Muslim Brotherhood Confessions
Ex-Member Exposes Subversive Tactics Published in Hudson New York The online version of the long-running Arabic journal Ruz al-Yusif carries an exclusive interview with Sheikh Osama al-Qusi entitled, "Former Salafi: Salafis Have Distorted Islam." In the interview, Qusi discusses the "true thoughts" of the various Islamic groups, which "they conceal under a political mask"; he … [Read more...]