Published in Jihad Watch Tunisia, where the 2011 Arab uprisings began, remains an ominous model for where these uprisings will end. The nation's first round of elections are in, and, as expected, the Islamist party, al-Nahda, won by a landslide, gaining over 40% of the seats in the national constituent assembly. As usual, the mainstream media, interpreting events … [Read more...]
Gaddafi Dead — So What?
Western Myopia and the 'Arab Spring' Published in Pajamas Media What a myopic view the Western media and its array of "experts" have concerning the so-called "Arab Spring" — a myopia that naturally metastasizes among the general public. Consider the Libyan crisis. As usual, the focus is entirely on the individual, on the tangible — the now dead Gaddafi — whom all the blame … [Read more...]
The Closing of the Muslim Mind
Last week, "Saudi Arabia's religious police arrested an Indonesian housemaid for casting a magic spell on a local family and 'turning its life upside down.'" The maid "confessed" to using sorcery, and "commission experts took the magic items to their office and managed to dismantle and stop the spell." Far from being absurd aberrations to be dismissed, such accounts, which are … [Read more...]
Olsen-Synopsis I sit manifest nævnte Anders Brevik, udådsmanden bag massakren i Norge, hvor nogle og 80 mennesker blev dræbt, Korstogene og omstændighederne bag dem som en inspirerende faktor. Ganske forudsigeligt har Vestens elite - især gennem MSM - begyndt en ny runde af moral- kultur- og historisk relativisme, noglesammenkæder endog terroristen med tidligere præsident … [Read more...]
synopsis-olsen Oprindelig engelsk tekst: Muslim Woman Seeks to Revive Institution of Sex-Slavery Forleden uge åbenbaredes, hvordan den populære muslimske prædikant Abu Ishq al-Huwaini pralede med at Islam giver muslimer lov til at købe og sælge erobrede vantro kvinder så at, "Når jeg ønsker en sexslave, går jeg på markedet og vælger den kvinde jeg begærer og køber … [Read more...]