Published in Hudson New York In light of ousted president Hosni Mubarak's ongoing trial, Western readers may be surprised to learn who some of Mubarak's staunchest defenders are: Salafi Muslims, that is, those Muslims who practice the 7thcentury Islam of Muhammad, often referred to as "radicals." Sheikh Mahmoud Amer, leader of Ansar al-Sunna in Damanhur, recently appeared on … [Read more...]
Cómo Influyó la Jihad en la Matanza de Noruega En su manifiesto, Anders Breivik, el perpetrador de la masacre de Noruega, en la que 80 personas murieron y muchos resultaron heridos, mencionó las Cruzadas y aspectos de las mismas, ya que habían sido un factor de inspiración para él. Como era de esperarse, las elites occidentales - especialmente a través de los principales medios de comunicación - han comenzado … [Read more...]
Imam Saudi: fatwa baru halalkan pedofilia sbg perkawinan
Islamsejarah Translation of the original text: New Saudi Fatwa Defends Pedophilia as 'Marriage' Perkawinan dgn anak2 ala Islam kembali mengundang headlines dlm media Arab: Dr. Salih bin Fawzan, ulama terkemuka dan anggoa dewan agama tertinggi Saudi baru mengumumkan fatwa menegaskan bahwa TIDAK ADA USIA MINIMUM BAGI PERKAWINAN, dan bahwa anak2 bisa dinikahi "bahkan saat masih … [Read more...]
Egypt: Why Are Christian Girls Converting to Islam?
Published in Jihad Watch Few things in Islam are as liable to provoke passion and violence as the issue of conversion. The health hazards involved in converting out of Islam—apostatizing—are well known. But even the issue of convertingto Islam is fraught with drama. Consider Egypt alone: in recent months, wild rampages, burned churches, and murdered Christians have resulted … [Read more...]
How Jihad Influenced the Norway Massacre
Translations of this item: Danish Spanish In his manifesto, Anders Breivik, the perpetrator of the Norway massacre, wherein some 80 people were killed, mentioned the Crusades and aspects of it as an inspirational factor. Predictably, Western elites—especially through the MSM—have begun a new round of moral, cultural, and historical relativism, someeven conflating … [Read more...]