By Jamie Glazov in Translations of this item: Danish FrontPage Interview's guest today is Raymond Ibrahim, associate director of the Middle East Forum, author of The Al Qaeda Reader, and editor of FPM's new section on Muslim Persecution of Christians. Introduction: On May 5, he gave a talk on Islam at Everett Community College (EvCC) in … [Read more...]
Osama Bin Laden: Chicken or Egg?
Published in Pajamas Media To posit the significance of Osama bin Laden's demise, we must first decide which came first — the chicken or the egg? Quaint as it is, this question is fundamentally an inquiry into the nature of cause and effect. In our context, did Osama bin Laden "create" the idea of jihad, or did the centuries-old doctrine of jihad — supplemented by Koranic … [Read more...]
The Muslim World’s Inferiority Complex
Dutch German What if an entire civilization developed an inferiority complex? What ramifications would that have on the rest of the world? How would such paranoia play itself out in the interaction of civilizations? An Arabic op-ed titled "The Broder Dilemma and Inferiority Complex," written by Muslim intellectual Khaled Montaser late last year portrays … [Read more...]
Waren eroberte Christen wirklich befreite Muslime?
Europe News Englischer Originaltext: Were Conquered Christians Really Liberated Muslims? Stellen Sie sich vor, ein amerikanischer Top-Historiker würde in den MSM erscheinen und darauf bestehen, der einzige Grund dafür, dass Europäer die beiden Amerikas eroberten, sei gewesen die einheimischen Amerikaner zu "verteidigen" – die irgendwo den christlichen Glauben Jahrhunderte vor … [Read more...]
Bin Laden and the Eternal Hydra of War
Published in Hudson New York As we ponder the significance of Osama bin Laden's death, it is well to reflect that Islamists are not thecause of hostilities; they are but symptoms of a much greater cause. Individually killing them off—which is nice—is like a doctor temporarily treating a sick patient's symptoms without eliminating the cause of sickness. Ayman al-Zawahiri, now … [Read more...]