All the Benefits and Still Turning to Jihad Published in Hudson New York Recent remarks by Attorney General Eric Holder on the threat posed by "radicalized" American Muslims are revealing—not just because of what they say regarding the domestic situation, but for their international implications as well. According to Holder: "[T]he threat is real, the threat is different, the … [Read more...]
Swedish Jihad Revelations
Published in Hudson New York Back in 2004, in one of his most recognized messages to America, Osama bin Laden, responding to then President George Bush Jr.'s claims that Al Qaeda hates freedom, rhetorically asked, "If so [if Al Qaeda hates freedom], let him [Bush] explain to us why we have not attacked Sweden, for example." Days ago, on December 11, an Al Qaeda affiliated … [Read more...]
Muslims Project Islam’s Worst Traits onto Israel and the Jews
Published in Hudson New York Sometime back, I noted that Muslims have been projecting the worst aspects of Islam(ism) onto the Copts, Egypt's Christian minority. This raised more questions: Is Islamist projection onto the Copts a unique phenomenon? Do Muslims project against other non-Muslims? Is there a trend? To answer this question, it seemed logical to begin with how … [Read more...]
Islamists Accuse Egypt’s Christians of Behaving Like…Islamists?
The persecution of Egypt's Coptic minority is taking an ironic, and dangerous, turn: Islamist leaders are now projecting the worst traits of radical Islam onto Egypt's Christians. A psychological phenomenon first described by Sigmund Freud, "projection" is defined as "the attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people." As such, consider how the … [Read more...]
Offensive Jihad
The One Incontrovertible Problem with Islam Published in Pajamas Media A recent report titled "Arab Columnists: Stop Talking About Offensive Jihad," alludes to the ultimate problem between Islam and the non-Muslim world: offensive jihad, or jihad al-talab — the Islamic imperative to subjugate the world. The report opens by saying "One dominant theme during Ramadan in the … [Read more...]