Published in Pajamas Media One of the most widely circulated newspapers in the world, Egypt's Al Ahram, recently ran a fake picturedepicting Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak walking in front of U.S. President Barack Obama and a pack of other Mideast leaders. In fact, based on the original photo, Mubarak, the octogenarian, appeared trailing last. Why the outlandish deception … [Read more...]
The Specter of Muslim Disloyalty in America
Published in Pajamas Media Islamist enmity for infidels, regularly manifested in the jihad, is by now moderately well known. Lesser known, however, but of equal concern, is the mandate for Muslims to be loyal to fellow Muslims and Islam — a loyalty that all too often translates into disloyalty to all things non-Muslim, including the American people and their government. This … [Read more...]
O Inimigo Numero 1 do Islamismo Radical
Amando Ao Proximo Original em inglês: Islam's 'Public Enemy #1' Não. Não foi George W. Bush nem é Barak Obama. Apesar de ser pouco conhecido no ocidente, o padre cristão copta Zakaria Boutros – chamado de "Inimigo Público nr. 1" pelo jornal árabe al-Insan al-Jadid – está agitando o mundo islâmico. Junto com seus colegas missionários cristãos – a maioria são muçulmanos … [Read more...]
Moslims moeten voor de schijn liberaliseren
Published in Het Vrije Volk Oorspronkelijk Engels Item: Top Muslim Cleric Qaradawi Urges Western Muslims to 'Liberalize' In een recente aflevering van de populaire Arabische show al-Sharia wa al-Haya (gedragscode en leven), die elke week wordt uitgezonden door Al Jazeera en waarin de vermaarde moslimgeleerde sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi optreedt, werd het belangrijke maar toch … [Read more...]
Is Newt Gingrich Wrong to Talk About Sharia?
Published in Pajamas Media In a recent article appearing in Tablet, Lee Smith takes former House speaker Newt Gingrich to task for the latter's focus on sharia (i.e., Islamic law). The thrust of Smith's argument is that sharia is a "hopelessly abstract concept" and "a highly idealized version of reality that has little basis in fact"; that sharia is "a catchall phrase for … [Read more...]