The Stream In a recent debate between Piers Morgan and Mohamad Hijab, the former asked his Muslim guest what his reaction was to Hamas’s massacre of Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023. “I was actually very sickened by it,” responded Hijab. Then, in apparent anticipation of Morgan’s follow up question—whether he, Hijab, condemns Hamas—the Muslim offered what seemed to be … [Read more...]
‘Our Inheritance Is Turned Over to Strangers’
All throughout Western Europe, Muslims are transforming churches into mosques. They are not doing this by force and conquest, as their ancestors once did, but legally: Europeans are selling or in some cases donating churches into becoming mosques. In a video uploaded on Aug. 16, 2023, a Muslim man, while videotaping a church in the UK, said: You’ll be excused to … [Read more...]
Muslim Solidarity vs Western Apathy
The Stream Ever since Hamas’s brutal attack on Israel—replete with massacres, beheadings, and atrocities of every sort—Muslims throughout the world have been celebrating: in Greece, migrants brandished knives and trampled on the Israeli flag in Athens; in Australia, large Muslim crowds chanted the jihadist war-cry, “Allahu akbar,” and “gas the Jews” in Sydney; and in Germany, … [Read more...]
Another Palestinian Reverie
Gatestone Institute On August 29, 2023, Sheikh Issam Amira, a prominent member of the Palestinian Hizb al-Tahrir party, argued that the "liberation" of Palestine is nothing compared to the potentially great conquests that Islam has in store for the rest of the non-Muslim world — including the United States: What is the Palestinian cause compared to the conquest of Rome, for … [Read more...]
Banned Video: Muslims Smash the Cross
Back in 2015, I watched a 1-minute video of Muslims connected to the Islamic State (“ISIS”) breaking crosses inside and from atop churches. Because the video had for some days been going viral on Arabic social media, I, in an effort to bring Western peoples up to speed with Muslims—to show them what Muslims around the world were watching—uploaded it onto YouTube. YouTube’s … [Read more...]