Middle East Strategy at Harvard In many ways, Michael Scheuer is the paradigmatic case of an otherwise knowledgeable and experienced Western adult who takes Al Qaeda's word at face value. According to his book, Imperial Hubris, his credentials and thus authority to speak about Al Qaeda and its goals are impressive: "For the past seventeen years, my career has focused … [Read more...]
Today in History: Constantinople Saves Western Civilization from Islam
Jihad Watch Since certain Muslim media are fond of rehashing old history, reminding Muslims of the "atrocities" committed by the hated Crusader—past and present—it seems only logical that we here in the West also remember the past. Today in history, Christendom secured a great victory over Islam—one that is responsible for the very existence of Western civilization. The year … [Read more...]
Survival of the Fittest: the Arab-Israeli Conflict in Context
Jihad Watch The Palestinian-Israeli question has been a thorn in the world's side for some time now. And clearly, many people—not just Arabs—sympathize with the uprooted Palestinians. The argument, in a nutshell, is that Israel was forcefully and artificially created and populated by people who, unlike the Arabs, are not trulyindigenous to the land of Palestine. Moreover, the … [Read more...]
Today in History: Acre Falls to the Crusaders
Al-Jazeera Reminds Viewers Jihad Watch Amidst the images of suffering and slain Palestinians, Iraqis, and Afghanis, the internationally (in)famous Arabic news station al-Jazeera today had an interesting five-minute segment that it played over several times: the fall of the Muslim city of Acre (Arabic: 'Akka) to the Crusaders, which after a nearly two-year siege, occurred on … [Read more...]
Know Your Enemy
American Thinker Barack Obama's National Security Advisor Richard Danzig recently made a fool of himself by claiming thatWinnie the Pooh is a "fundamental text on national security." His flippancy only emphasizes the fact that doctrinal writings influence the conduct of war. To anticipate the enemy's thinking, you have to know the foundational texts in which his mind has been … [Read more...]