L'Occidentale Pezzo in lingua originale inglese: Hydra of War Il leader di al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Hamza al-Masri, è morto? Le autorità irachene hanno appena proclamato la sua uccisione durante uno scontro a fuoco. Tutti i siti internet legati ad al-Qaeda, però, sembrano tenere differenti posizioni: "Lui sta ancora combattendo i nemici di Allah." Gli Usa sono a loro volta … [Read more...]
Hydra of War
National Review Online Translations of this item: Italian Is the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Hamza al-Masri, dead? Iraqi authorities just proclaimed that he was recently killed due to infighting. But al Qaeda-related websites beg to differ: "[H]e is still fighting the enemies of Allah." And the U.S. is unsure: "I [Lieutenant-Colonel Garver] hope it's true; we're … [Read more...]
200 Million Minority
Islam's Apologists Completely Miss the Point National Review Online For three consecutive days, April 10-12, Tariq Ramadan, the controversial Muslim activist who was denied a U.S. visa for questionable activities (such as making "charitable" donations to the terrorist organization Hamas, which regularly commissions suicide-attacks), was invited by Georgetown University to … [Read more...]
What Do Muslims Want?
Priority Problems National Review Online All humans generally live according to some set of priorities. A person may make a priority of health, of pleasure, of study, of almost anything, really. But it is practically a law of nature that a person must make a priority of something. Even those who lead unstructured existences unconsciously live according to some set of … [Read more...]
Ist der Islam schlimmer als andere Religionen?
Englischer Originaltext: Is Islam Worse Than Other Religions? Seit den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September wird der Islam oft beschuldigt, systemimmanent gewalttätig zu sein. Als Antwort darauf wurde eine ganze Anzahl von Rechtfertigungen zur Verteidigung dieser Religion angeführt. Die grundsätzliche Prämisse von fast allen ist, daß besagte Gewalt im Islam - so wie man sie in … [Read more...]