Newborn baby Muhammads are taking Western Europe by storm—with Berlin being the latest target. According to a May 8, 2023 report, The first name Mohammed has gained popularity in Germany in the past year…. In Berlin, Mohammed was the most popular first name for boys in 2022. Last year he had ranked third…. In Bremen, the first name Mohammed has moved up from third place to … [Read more...]
Bedlam at City Council: Somali ‘Culture’ Takes Minneapolis by Storm
In a May 11, 2023 article, we explored the oft-repeated claim that all cultures are created equal—or, in Pope Francis’s words, “Never again can the Christian community allow itself to be infected by the idea that one culture is superior to others.” Two days later, that claim was put to test right here in the USA, when all bedlam broke lose in Minneapolis. On May 13, 2023: A … [Read more...]
Is Any ‘One Culture Superior to Others’?
Recently, while apologizing to “indigenous peoples” and denouncing Christians—without the all-important historical context—Pope Francis declared that “Never again can the Christian community allow itself to be infected by the idea that one culture is superior to others...” This—claiming all cultures are equal—is a very dangerous position, not least as it leads to … [Read more...]
What’s Behind Reports of a ‘Rampant Rise’ of Necrophilia in Muslim Nations?
Connections between the disturbing practice of necrophilia and Islam are back in the news. "In a shocking revelation," starts one Apr. 29 report, "parents in Pakistan now guard their dead daughters against rape by putting padlocks to their graves. ... [N]ecrophilia cases are on the rise in the country." Addressing this same phenomenon, another report states: That a woman is … [Read more...]
The Great Lengths Some Muslims Go to Deceive (in Order to Murder) Infidels
Hindus are becoming more and more familiar with the Muslim doctrine of taqiyya. An article reports that, on two separate occasions, Muslims murdered two Hindu men by first deceiving them in an effort to get close enough to murder them. In one incident, Muslims entered the shop of their targeted Hindu victim and pretended to be customers -- before attacking and beheading him … [Read more...]