Incidents of Muslims slaughtering, or trying to slaughter, their own parents are on the rise, including for bizarre reasons (as in "Allah had invited them to paradise through me"). Most recently, a 30-year-old Muslim man stabbed his own mother in the throat with a knife in France. After characterizing the incident as an “attempted murder,” local authorities said that the … [Read more...]
How America Became Like a Muslim Nation
American Thinker Is the world progressing, as the progressives claim, or is it in fact regressing? More and more evidence suggests the latter. In fact, in certain respects, the West is increasingly becoming like the quintessential Third World — namely, the Islamic world. One can cite several examples — the West’s eagerness to ban any Christian symbol, lest it offend, … [Read more...]
Video: Raymond Ibrahim on Securing America with Frank Gaffney
Frank Gaffney, of the Center for Security Policy, recently interviewed me on his program, Securing America. The broad ranging discussion is separated into five 10-minute parts, which follow: … [Read more...]
Pope Benedict Told the Grim Truth about Islam
The Stream “Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.” In certain respects, this is the sentence that Pope Benedict XVI will be most remembered for. And while those who cite it do so to disparage and dishonor his memory—to portray him as an … [Read more...]
Audio: Raymond Ibrahim on Pope Benedict and Islam
Fr. Robert McTeigue of the Catholic Current recently interviewed me. The comprehensive, nearly hour-long audio, and its official description and links, follow: We welcome back scholar and author Raymond Ibrahim to discuss Pope Benedict XVI's famous lecture at Regensburg, and the irrationalities within Islam. What has happened since that lecture, and have we in the West … [Read more...]