Fr. Robert McTeigue of the Catholic Current recently interviewed me. The comprehensive, nearly hour-long audio, and its official description and links, follow: We welcome back scholar and author Raymond Ibrahim to discuss Pope Benedict XVI's famous lecture at Regensburg, and the irrationalities within Islam. What has happened since that lecture, and have we in the West … [Read more...]
How Jesus Became ‘Isa: A Terrorist with a Heavenly Harem
The Stream According to a recent report titled, “Jesus the Palestinian terrorist and his 72 dark-eyed virgins,” One of the many ways in which the Palestinian Authority distorts history in order to invent a centuries-old Palestinian identity, is to turn Jesus the Judean (Jew), who promoted peace on earth, into a Palestinian terrorist who was murdered by the Israelis, thus … [Read more...]
Christmas Time: When the West Appeases and Islam Slaughters
The Stream One of the most odious aspects of the so-called War on Christmas is Western appeasement of Muslim sensibilities. Consider recent events in Sweden, where St. Lucia’s Day has been celebrated for centuries. According to Britannica: St. Lucia’s Day [is a] festival of lights celebrated in Sweden, Norway, and the Swedish-speaking areas of Finland on December 13 in … [Read more...]
Audio: Defending the West with Raymond Ibrahim on the Right Take
I was recently interviewed on The Right Take, with Mark Tapson. The official description and audio link follow: In this episode, Mark interviews Raymond Ibrahim, an American author, columnist, and Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is the author of several books, including his most recent publication, Defenders of the West: The Christian Heroes Who … [Read more...]
Talk of ‘Abrahamic’ Religions is an Ecumenical Farce
The Stream What if you had a deceased grandfather whom you were particularly fond of, and out of the blue, a stranger says: “Hey, that’s my grandpa!” Then—lest you think this stranger is somehow trying to ingratiate himself with you—he adds: “And everything you thought you knew about grandpa is wrong! Here, let me tell you what he really said and did throughout his life.” … [Read more...]