The Stream Although the topic of this article is disgusting, that is not reason enough to be ignorant of it. It is not enough for Muslims to continuously attack, vandalize, and set churches aflame throughout Western European regions that hold a sizeable Islamic presence. Another, rather sordid, tactic is apparently on the rise: Churches are now routinely being desecrated and … [Read more...]
Audio: ‘Stop Apologizing for the Crusades, with Raymond Ibrahim’
My recent interview on the Christian Emergency podcast can be accessed here. Below is the official description of my episode: Christians by and large do not know Christian history. That is a lamentable fact we at the Christian Emergency Alliance strive to address. But one aspect of Christian history that is most suppressed today is that of muscular Christianity. Christianity … [Read more...]
Another Church ‘Catches Fire’ in ‘Radical’ Region of Egypt
Coptic Solidarity Yet another Coptic church recently “caught fire” in Muslim Egypt. On Sunday, Mar. 24, 2024, a fire broke out in the Church of St. George in Akhmim, Sohag governorate. With the help of church youth and locals, civil authorities managed to quench the blaze. Mass was held in the church earlier that day, and the building was empty when the conflagration began. … [Read more...]
‘Dirty Christians—I’m Going to Kill You All!’ The Muslim Persecution of Christians, February 2024
Gatestone Institute The following are among the abuses and murders inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of February 2024: The Muslim Slaughter of Christians Nigeria: Between Feb. 16 and 19, Muslim terrorists launched raids on several Christian villages. They murdered 23 people—six were burned alive—wounded 10 and abducted 5 more, along with setting 28 … [Read more...]
Audio: ‘Christ Still Suffers In His People (w/Raymond Ibrahim)’
My recent interview with the Catholic Current's Fr. McTeigue: This Monday in Holy Week we welcome back Raymond Ibrahim to discuss the ongoing Muslim persecution of Christians. As we contemplate the sufferings of Christ, how can we best fight against ignorance and misinformation? … [Read more...]