After the recent events of Dahshur, Egypt, when thousands of Muslims rampaged and plundered Christian homes—in a conflict that began when a Christian laundry worker accidentally burned the shirt of a Muslim—news now comes from Asyut, Egypt, of a Muslim "gang" attacking Christian homes, abducting children, and demanding money—ransoms and extortions as a form of tribute, or jizya … [Read more...]
Egypt’s Jihad Organizations Call for Christian Genocide
According to today's issue of El Fegr, "Elements of terrorist, jihadi organizations distributed leaflets today inciting for the killing of Copts in Suez, Ismailia, and Upper Egypt, promising them [Copts] a tragic end if they do not return to the truth." An image of a copy of the letter appears on El Fegr's website. Titled "An Urgent and Important Notice," it begins by calling … [Read more...]
Переслідування християн мусульманами: червень 2012
Comentaries Translation of the original text: Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2012 Підтримані США повстанці здійснюють геноцид християн в Сирії, де вони спустошують церкви та погрожують вичистити всіх християн на контрольованих ними територіях. Відбувається масова втеча християн, в той же час, західні журналісти, такі як Роберт Фіск демонізують цих християн за … [Read more...]
Obama Administration’s War on Persecuted Christians
Published in Investigative Project on Terrorism The Obama administration's support for its Islamist allies means lack of U.S. support for their enemies, or, more properly, victims—the Christian and other non-Muslim minorities of the Muslim world. Consider the many recent proofs: According to Pete Winn of CNS: The U.S. State Department removed the sections covering religious … [Read more...]
Egypt: Christian Burns Muslim’s Shirt; Muslims Burn Christian Homes
by Raymond Ibrahim • Jul 27, 2012 at 8:33 pm Cross-posted from Jihad Watch According to AFP, "Muslims on Friday [today] set fire to Christian homes in a village near the Egyptian capital after a fight between a Muslim man and a Christian laundry worker who singed his shirt while ironing it, police said. At least one person was wounded as Muslims and Coptic Christians also … [Read more...]