Originally published by the Gatestone Institute Translations of this item: Ukrainian U.S.-backed rebels are committing Christian genocide in Syria, where they are sacking churches and issuing threats that all Christians will be cleansed from rebel-held territory. A mass exodus of thousands of Christians is taking place, even as mainstream Western reporters … [Read more...]
Fatwa Bans Christian Priests from Public Transportation to Church
by Raymond Ibrahim • Jul 23, 2012 at 3:50 pm Dr. Yassir al-Burhami, a prominent figure in Egypt's Salafi movement and vice president of the Salafi Call—the same sheikh who seeks to punish Muslim apostates, condemns Mother's Day, and advocates deceiving Israel—has just issued a fatwa, published in the "Voice of the Righteous Salaf," forbidding Muslim taxi-drivers and … [Read more...]
Egypt: “Unknown Assailants” Attack and Plunder Christian Youth
by Raymond Ibrahim • July 3, 2012 Cross-posted from Jihad Watch Tuesday, July 3nd, three "unknown assailants" in al-Minya, Egypt, attacked two Coptic Christian youths with knives and robbed them of 1,300 pounds, before fleeing the scene. While this incident may be dismissed as a mere crime inspired by plunder, there is little doubt that the victims were targeted because they … [Read more...]
Переслідування християн мусульманами: травень 2012
Comentaries Translation of the original text: Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2012 На відміну від таких країн, як Саудівська Аравія, де християнство майже повністю знищене, в мусульманських країнах з помітними християнськими меншинами травень приніс звістки про численні випадки переслідування християн: в Єгипті християн відверто утискають в судах, коли проти нового … [Read more...]
Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2012
Originally published by the Gatestone Institute Translations of this item: Ukrainian Unlike those nations, such as Saudi Arabia, that have eliminated Christianity altogether, Muslim countries with significant Christian minorities saw much persecution during the month of May: in Egypt, Christians were openly discriminated against in law courts, even as some accused … [Read more...]