By Jamie Glazov - FrontPage Magazine editor Jamie Glazov interviews Raymond Ibrahim. Published in FrontPage Magazine FrontPage Interview's guest today is Raymond Ibrahim, an Islam expert and author of The Al Qaeda Reader. A Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum, he writes frequently on all things Islamic, … [Read more...]
Congressional Testimony: The Worsening Plight of Egypt’s Coptic Christians
Raymond Ibrahim's written testimony submitted for the record at Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission's December 7 hearing titled "Under Threat: The Worsening Plight of Egypt's Coptic Christians." TESTIMONY OF RAYMOND IBRAHIM TOM LANTOS HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Since the year 641, when Muslims invaded Egypt, the Copts—Egypt's Christian, indigenous inhabitants—have been subject to … [Read more...]
Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2011
Published in Hudson New York "The attacks on Christians continue and the world remains totally silent. It's as if we've been swallowed up by the night"—Iraqi source Egypt's Maspero massacre—where the military killed dozens of Christians protesting the destruction of their churches—dominates October's persecution headlines. Facts and details concerning the military's "crimes … [Read more...]
La persecuzione musulmana contro i Cristiani: Settembre 2011
Lisistrata Prosegue l'elenco mensile delle persecuzioni dei Cristiani nel mondo islamico pubblicato mensilmente da Raymond Ibrahim. La persecuzione dei Cristiani nel mondo islamico è diventata un fatto normale e non fa più notizia. Come si fa a far finta di nulla di fronte alla quotidiana persecuzione e al quotidiano arbitrio contro milioni di infelici innocenti, solo perché … [Read more...]
Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2011
Published in Hudson New York Translations of this item: Italian An especially busy month in the persecution of Christians in the Muslim world, September also witnessed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton release the Annual Report on International Religious Freedom. Ironically, aside from Iran and Sudan, none of the countries that habitually appear in this series … [Read more...]