Because the persecution of Christians in the Islamic world is endemic, on its way to reaching epidemic proportions, I begin with this article a new series called "This Month in Muslim Persecution of Christians," wherein some—by no means all—of the foulest instances of persecution that surface each month will be collated and assessed. The purpose of this series is … [Read more...]
Casual Hate
The Subtle Side of Christian Persecution Published in Translations of this item: Danish Earlier this month I participated in Coptic Solidarity's Second Annual Conference in Washington D.C., titled: "Will Religious and Ethnic Minorities Pay the Price of the 'Arab Spring'?" Panelists included Middle East specialists, prominent members of the … [Read more...]
Egypten: Ønsket om penge —Jizya—giver anledning til angreb på kristne
Synopsis-Olsen Oprindelig engelsk tekst: Egypt: Desire for Money—Jizya—Prompts Attacks on Christians Hvis et øget antal muslimer i Egypten har et brændende had mod alt der er kristent - fornylig så udpræget demonstreret ved nedbrændingen af 8 kristne hjem på et rygte om at en kirke skulle bygges - så lad os ikke glemme at dette had er et værktøj, at det økonomisk kan betale … [Read more...]
Egypt: Desire for Money—Jizya—Prompts Attacks on Christians
Published in Translations of this item: Danish If growing numbers of Muslims in Egypt have an intrinsic hatred for all things Christian— demonstrated days ago by the torching of eight Christian homes on the rumor that a church was being built—let us not forget that this hate has instrumental, that is, economic benefits: the extortion of money … [Read more...]
Pakistan’s Christian ‘Sex-Slaves’: A Case Study
Published in Translations of this item: Danish Earlier we saw Egyptian preacher Huwaini and Kuwaiti political activist Mutairi call for the reinstitution of sex-slavery. Before dismissing their position as aberrant, that is "radical," for the record, here are respected Islam scholar Majid Khadduri's thoughts on the matter: The term spoil … [Read more...]