Oprindelig engelsk tekst: Islamists Target Christians 'Wherever They Can Reach Them' I 2006 da Pave Benedikt citerede fra historien, som blev bedømt som krænkende af islam, betalte kristne i den muslimske verden prisen: Anti-kristne optøjer fremkom, kirker blev brændt ned, og en nonne blev myrdet i Somalia. Det var dengang. For nogle dage siden, da en kristen i Ægypten blev … [Read more...]
Islamists Target Christians ‘Wherever They Can Reach Them’
Published in Pajamas Media Translations of this item: Danish French Portuguese In 2006, when Pope Benedict quoted history deemed unflattering to Islam, Christians around the Muslim world paid the price: anti-Christian riots ensued, churches were burned, and a nun was murdered in Somalia. That was then. Days ago, when a Christian in Egypt was accused of dating a … [Read more...]
Egypt Cuts a Deal: Christians Fed to Muslim ‘Lions’
Published in Hudson New York For centuries, the Copts — Egypt's Christian, indigenous inhabitants — have been subject to persecution, discrimination, humiliation, and over all subjugation in their homeland (etymologically, "Copt" simply means "Egyptian"). In the medieval era, such treatment was a standard aspect of sharia's dhimmi codes, first ratified under Caliph Omar in … [Read more...]
The Strange — and Tragic — Case of Nagla Imam
Published in Pajamas Media Uncovering the truth is always a convoluted affair when it comes to the Middle East. Consider the case of the Egyptian Nagla Iman. Is she a Muslim woman who advocates the sexual harassment of Jewish women, or a Christian woman, who advocates human rights — especially for fellow women of all faiths? The story begins last June 24, when I was a guest … [Read more...]
Senza precedenti: il governo egiziano sopprime la dottrina cristiana
Pezzo in lingua originale inglese: Unprecedented: Egyptian Government Suppresses Christian Doctrine Il fatto che il governo egiziano faciliti la persecuzione dei copti, la minoranza cristiana indigena del paese non era evidentemente abbastanza: ora il governo pretende di intervenire direttamente nelle questioni che riguardano la dottrina della Chiesa. Secondo la Assyrian … [Read more...]