Gatestone Institute The following are among the murders and abuses inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of July, 2023. The Muslim Slaughter of Christians Uganda: On July 9, a Muslim man murdered his wife, a mother of three, hours after she became Christian. Ten days earlier, Amina Nanfuka, 31, went to stay with a relative while being treated for medical … [Read more...]
‘White People’: The Only Slavers of History?
In a recent article, we considered the claims of Brittney Cooper, a professor at Rutgers University. She believes that all "white people"— whom she also refers to as "motherf***ers" who are "committed to being villains," in a word, racists — need to be "taken out." [Sign petition to fire Cooper for her racist and divisive remarks here.] One of her arguments is that, whenever … [Read more...]
“Christians Must Die”: Jihad in Austria
Gatestone Institute Two young Muslims living in Austria recently confessed that they wanted to “kill Christians” and “restore the caliphate.” The two boys, aged 15 and 16, were arrested and tried at the Leoben Regional Court on July 16, 2023. They had made plans to massacre as many people as possible during an attack on the middle school attended by the 15-year-old, in Bruck … [Read more...]
Despite Outward Gestures, “Systematic Restrictions on Freedom of Religion” Still Reign in Egypt
Coptic Solidarity Despite some cosmetic dressing, “systematic restrictions on freedom of religion or belief remain in place in Egypt, including actively enforced blasphemy laws, non-recognition of certain religious communities, and severe restrictions on religious expression.” This is according to a new report published earlier this month by the U.S. Commission on … [Read more...]
Muslim Hate for the Cross Is Muslim Hate for the Gospel
The Stream Islam’s ancient hate for—and paranoia against—the Christian cross is making news again. Mohammad Hashim Shaheed Wror, head of Afghanistan’s “Invitation and Guidance Directorate,” which is charged with promoting proper Islamic behavior among Afghans, recently complained in a televised interview about how angry he gets when he sees Afghans wearing neckties: [Even] … [Read more...]