Gatestone Institute The horrific persecution of Christians in Pakistan—whether at the hands of judges and police, or mobs and rapist gangs—continues to worsen, as evidenced by the last, fully documented month, that of May, 2023. Most notably, on May 30, a Pakistani court sentenced Noman Masih, a 22-year-old Christian man, to death for “blasphemy” (in keeping with Section … [Read more...]
Why Muslims Torched and Slaughtered Christian Students in Uganda
The Stream On the evening of June 16, 2023, Islamic terrorists stormed a private high school in Uganda, where students were closing the night by singing Christian hymns. Over the next 90 minutes, the Muslim invaders committed unspeakable horrors against the Christians—murdering, in the end, at least 42 people, 37 of them teenage boys and girls. Most of the boys were burned … [Read more...]
‘An Injustice Crying Out to Heaven’: The Jihad on Christians in Mozambique
Gatestone Institute A savage jihad—replete with massacres, beheadings, and sexual enslavement—has been raging in the Christian-majority nation of Mozambique since 2017. Few in the West are aware of this, not least as the situation has been garbed in Marxist language that seeks to depict radical terrorists as “victims” and those resisting them, including the Mozambican … [Read more...]
Turkish ‘Princess’ Vows that Islam Will ‘Break the Western Cross’
Resorting to jihadist rhetoric, Esra, the daughter of Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan—who just gained another five years as president—recently attacked the West and Christianity. In a tweet written, not in her native Turkish, but in Islam’s tongue, Arabic, the "first daughter" declared that “There is little left for the Islamic crescent to break the Western … [Read more...]
‘Murdered Like Animals’: Genocide of Christians in Nigeria Reaches New Heights
Gatestone Institute The “pure genocide” of Christians in Nigeria, as it has been characterized by several international observers, has reached new levels, according to an April 10, 2023 report by the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law, also known as “Intersociety,” a nonprofit human rights organization based in Nigeria. According to the report, since … [Read more...]