Gatestone Institute The following are among the murders and abuses inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of March, 2023: Muslim Attacks on Churches France: On Mar. 16, a man, previously “on file for his Islamist radicalization,” stormed the Saint-Hippolyte Church in Paris and disrupted its service. He also stole the church’s six foot tall Plexiglas cross, … [Read more...]
Why Muslims Hate the Cross: Part 2
The Stream In Part 1 of this article, we documented Islam’s doctrinal and historical hate for the crucifix. Here we demonstrate continuity by documenting modern day examples, categorized according to theme. General Hate for and Attacks on the Cross USA: Ali Alaheri, a 29-year-old Muslim man, knocked down and destroyed a large crucifix that had stood for eleven years outside … [Read more...]
Why Muslims Hate the Cross: Part 1
The Stream As Christians prepare to celebrate Easter, Muslims continue to desecrate that one symbol most representative of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ: the Crucifix. Most recently in France, on Mar. 16, 2023, a Muslim man smashed a church’s six foot tall cross—which had stood since the 1600s—into pieces. A week earlier, also in France, another Muslim man broke … [Read more...]
‘Use a Nail Gun to Nail Their Heads and Crucify Them!’ The Muslim Persecution of Christians, February 2023
Gatestone Institute The following are among the murders and abuses inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of February 2023: The Muslim Slaughter of Christians Democratic Republic of Congo: On Sunday and into Monday, Feb. 12-13, Muslim terrorists massacred 22 people in the more than 95% Christian-majority nation. The terrorists were members of the Allied … [Read more...]
‘Combat Islamophobia Day’ Exposes UN’s Rank Hypocrisy on Mosques vs Churches
The Stream The United Nations has spoken: March 15 is now and forevermore “International Day to Combat Islamophobia.” While there are many ways to debunk the significance of this day—as will be shown, the very word “Islamophobia” was created to suppress free speech—one need only turn to why this date was chosen to expose the UN’s rank hypocrisy. On March 15, 2019, an armed … [Read more...]