Gatestone Institute The following are among the murders and abuses inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of January, 2023: The Muslim Slaughter of Christians Democratic Republic of Congo: On Sunday, Jan. 15, Muslim terrorists bombed a Pentecostal church during a baptismal ceremony. At least 14 Christians were blown to pieces—the Islamic State, which … [Read more...]
Deja Vu: Six More Coptic Christians Abducted in ‘Terrorist Haven’ Libya
Coptic Solidarity Islamic terrorists-cum-criminals kidnapped six more Coptic Christians in Libya over the weekend. In an audio recording, the terrorists demanded a 90,000 dinar (nearly 20,000 USD) ransom payment for the release of the Christians, who were reported as languishing in prison cells without food or water. All six Copts are from the village of al-Haraja, … [Read more...]
Remembering the 21 Martyrs
The Stream Today marks the eight year anniversary of a particularly horrific butchery of 21 Christians. On Feb. 15, 2015 in Libya, the Islamic State released a video depicting 21 Christians being decapitated. While sitting atop and holding their tied victims’ bodies down, Islamic State members shoved their fingers in the Christians’ eye sockets, craned their heads back, and … [Read more...]
Islamic Justice Prevails: Stripped Naked and Paraded in Egypt, Christian Grandmother Is Now the Guilty One
Gatestone Institute Islamic “justice”—which usually finds Muslims in the right, and non-Muslims in the wrong—or rather, tribal justice, has, once again, prevailed in Egypt. Not only have the Muslim men who stripped naked and publicly abused an elderly Christian grandmother been acquitted in a court of law; now she is the one facing serious legal charges to compensate her … [Read more...]
The Never Ending ‘Pandemic’: 360 Million Christians Persecuted Worldwide
Gatestone Institute In 2022, 5,621 Christian around the world were “killed for faith related reasons.” Another 4,542 Christians were illegally detained or arrested, and 2,110 churches were attacked, many destroyed. Over all, the global persecution of Christians remains higher than ever, with 360 million believers suffering high levels of discrimination and violence. These … [Read more...]