Coptic Solidarity On Jan. 17, 2023, Presidential Decree #12 was announced in Egypt. It lists 100 newly appointed vice-presidents of the State Council. Only one of them is a Copt, a member of Egypt’s native Christian demographic, which makes up 10-15% of the nation’s population. As Coptic Solidarity observed, “This is one more proof—if proof was needed—that severe and … [Read more...]
How America Became Like a Muslim Nation
American Thinker Is the world progressing, as the progressives claim, or is it in fact regressing? More and more evidence suggests the latter. In fact, in certain respects, the West is increasingly becoming like the quintessential Third World — namely, the Islamic world. One can cite several examples — the West’s eagerness to ban any Christian symbol, lest it offend, … [Read more...]
‘A Deliberate Plan to Unleash Evil’: The Muslim Persecution of Christians, December 2022
Gatestone Institute The following are among the murders and abuses Muslims inflicted on Christians throughout the month of December 2022: Genocidal Jihad against Christians Turkey: Between November 20-25, 2022, Turkey launched 2,500 attacks—air, mortar, drone, artillery, etc.—several miles deep into Syria’s northern border. Governed by the Autonomous Administration of North … [Read more...]
Palestinians Beat and Pepper Spray Elderly Christian, Stone Churches in Jaffa
Coptic Solidarity Though unreported in Western languages, another instance of hostility for Christians and their churches in the Holy Land recently occurred. On Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 2022, a group of Palestinian “youth” assaulted a Coptic Christian church in Jaffa. After hurling stones and empty glass bottles at St. Anthony's Church, they stormed it and savagely beat Fr. … [Read more...]
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph: ‘Canceled’ in Egypt
Coptic Solidarity “Unknown persons” recently vandalized a beloved Christian icon in Muslim majority Egypt. Belonging to the Monastery of the Virgin Mary, in Durunka, Asyut Governorate, the large icon depicts the Holy Family: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. As part of their tourism efforts, Egyptian officials had asked the monastery—which is built atop a spot frequented by the Holy … [Read more...]