Gatestone Institute The following are among the abuses Muslims inflicted on Christians throughout the month of November 2021: The Muslim Slaughter of Christians Uganda: Muslims slaughtered a Christian leader for refusing to remove his church from a Muslim-majority region. Pastor Stephen Lugwire, 58, was working on his farm with one of his daughters when three men dressed in … [Read more...]
Blaming Israel, Not Muslims, for Christian Woes
The following article, written by Chaim Silberstein and Hillel Fendel, was published by JNS on Dec. 28, 2021: Fact: The 2016 killing of a gorilla in Cincinnati received six times more media coverage than the beheading by ISIS of 21 Coptic Egyptian Christians who refused to recant their faith. This is just one example of the woeful paucity of reporting on rampant Muslim … [Read more...]
Social Media NOT Censoring Muslim Hate Speech and Incitement to Murder
Despite Facebook’s zeal at censoring so-called “hate speech” and “offensive content,” violent, radical, and murderous content from Muslim terror groups is allowed to appear on and make use of the social media giant’s platform. According to a recent report, Facebook allowed photos of beheadings and violent hate speech from ISIS and the Taliban to be tagged as “insightful” and … [Read more...]
Muslim Hate for the Christian Cross
Gatestone Institute Christian elementary school students in an Egyptian school were recently “beaten up by teachers and fellow students after the headmaster ordered all Christian students to remove any jewelry bearing a cross [and they refused],” to quote from a Nov. 21, 2021 report. In one incident, a female teacher “attacked a Christian student, then encouraged other … [Read more...]
Video: Christmas Eve Special, in the War Room
My Christmas Eve special with Steve Bannon follows. In the segment that begins around the 1:26:13 mark, I discuss Christmas for Christian minorities throughout the Islamic world; and at the 1:43:45 mark, I discuss my forthcoming book, Defenders of the West: The Christian Heroes Who Stood Against Islam (available now for pre-order). … [Read more...]