Gatestone Institute Muslim Slaughter of Christians Pakistan: In a Lahore hospital, a throng of Muslim doctors, security guards, and medical staff beat Christian family members—one to death—because they tried to prevent another doctor from beating their pregnant sister. According to Anil Saleem, the pregnant woman’s brother, once they took her to the emergency labor ward, … [Read more...]
Death as Punishment for “Disbelief in Allah the Great”: Muslim Persecution of Christians, February 2018
Gatestone Institute The jihadi assault on and massacre of Christians continued unabated throughout the Muslim word. According to one report titled, “Armed gangs WIPE OUT 15 villages in mass Christian slaughter in Nigeria,” several Islamic terrorists “stormed through 15 villages to massacre Christians and destroy their churches in a violent crackdown against the religion…. … [Read more...]
“Be Cursed Forever”: Muslim Persecution of Christians, January 2018
Gatestone Institute The Slaughter of Christians in Egypt Three masked gunmen targeted and killed Bassem Attallah, a Christian man, 27, after identifying him as a Christian by the cross tattoo on his wrist. According to his older brother, Osama, 38, the siblings and a Muslim colleague, Muhammad, were walking home after work when three armed men, aged between 23 and 25 stopped … [Read more...]
“It Was Like a War against the Church”: Muslim Persecution of Christians, December 2017
Suicide attack on pre-Christmas church service killed 9 worshipers in Pakistan Gatestone Institute Christian Carnage and Attacked Churches in Egypt As a reflection of the enmity that Christmas provokes in the Islamic world, “Egypt's interior ministry … said it would be allocating 230,000 security personnel to secure the country’s Christmas celebrations,” Ahram reported, “to … [Read more...]
“Islam Was a Yoke to My Heart”: Muslim Persecution of Christians, November 2017
Gatestone Institute Muslim Attacks on Christian Churches Germany: According to a November 11 report in The European, approximately 200 churches have been attacked and desecrated in the Alps and Bavarian regions alone. Large summit crosses atop mountains have also been felled and destroyed by axes and saws. “Young Islamists” are believed to be behind the widespread … [Read more...]