What Does al-Qaeda Want? Jihad Watch I recently wrote something of a lengthy exposition regarding ex CIA analyst Michael Scheuer's continuous characterizations of Osama bin Laden as at once Robin Hood, Saint Francis of Assisi, and Thomas Jefferson—that is, a man fighting oppression and tyranny, that and nothing more. Mr. Scheuer was kind enough to respond here. Now, it is … [Read more...]
Survival of the Fittest: the Arab-Israeli Conflict in Context
Jihad Watch The Palestinian-Israeli question has been a thorn in the world's side for some time now. And clearly, many people—not just Arabs—sympathize with the uprooted Palestinians. The argument, in a nutshell, is that Israel was forcefully and artificially created and populated by people who, unlike the Arabs, are not trulyindigenous to the land of Palestine. Moreover, the … [Read more...]
What's in a Name? Middle East Strategy at Harvard During the eulogy of the eight slain students of the March 6 terrorist attack at Mercaz HaRav yeshiva school in West Jerusalem, highly-respected Rabbi Ya'akov Shapira made, for the average gentile, a rather elusive allusion regarding the attack: "The murderer did not want to kill these people in particular, but everyone living … [Read more...]
Our Ailing Meritocracy
Merit takes second place to gender and religion When all the political sophistry is said and done, there is no denying that the claim to fame of the Democratic Party's two superstar candidates, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, is that the one is a woman, the other black and from something of an "ambiguous" religious background (little wonder bland John Edwards stepped out, … [Read more...]
Anti-Christian Crusade
National Review Online By now, the oft-recurring negative portrayals of Christianity in major Hollywood movies have become hackneyed and predictable. The recent rendition of Beowulf only reinforced this trend. The same subtle depictions and motifs present in movies from decades past were once again present, a favorite being the attempt to try to depict pagans as "open-minded" … [Read more...]