The Stream Citing how radical Muslims often quote the Koran to justify their violence, and include images of it in militant contexts (such as the Koran between two rifles), in a bold but much needed move, The Atlantic published an article examining the connection between Islam’s holy book and the rise of Muslim extremism. Of course, nothing of the sort happened. Rather, in … [Read more...]
Biden Exploits Muslim Murders to Play Identity Politics
The Stream The Left — from the media to the White House — thrives on identity politics, hypocrisy and double standards. Especially on questions of race, ethnicity, and “diversity.” On August 5, a murder victim became the fourth Muslim to be killed in Albuquerque since November 2021. Even though the identity of the killer and his motives were unknown, many rushed to denounce … [Read more...]
Climate Change: The Latest Pretext for Muslims Slaughtering Christians
Gatestone Institute Politicians have found a way to kill two birds with one stone: ignore the endemic slaughter of Christians throughout the Muslim world, while over exaggerating the impact of climate change. How? By saying that climate change is the true engine that drives the persecution of Christians. On Pentecost Sunday, June 5, 2022, Muslims massacred some 50 … [Read more...]
Where Has It Gotten Us? A Look at 17 Years’ Worth of Killing Terror Leaders
Ayman al-Zawahiri, the chief ideologue and for a decade leader of al-Qaeda, was finally killed, 21 years after the terror strikes of September 11, 2001. This is certainly welcome news, if only because someone like al-Zawahiri deserved his fate. But while we can all celebrate, his death will, unfortunately, and despite Joe Biden’s August 1 speech, have zero impact on the … [Read more...]
The Only Rape Where Victim-Blaming Is Okay
Swedish officials are warning Ukrainian women living in refugee centers not to dress in a way that might provoke men from “other cultures”—code for Muslim migrants, which, in Sweden, is mostly of the Somali variety—who reside in the same refugee center. And how do these hapless Ukrainian refugees dress, to prompt such a warning? According to Gitana Bengtsson, who has been … [Read more...]