The Stream Once again, the “Left” and Islam are exposing their extreme similarities — including the similar ways they defend their similar weak points. The examples are coming in fast and plenty — from Islam, from Western Europe, and from right here in the good ol’ United States. Islam Cancels the Truth First, from the Islamic world: a Muslim convert to Christianity, who … [Read more...]
Unsheathe the ‘Two Swords’ of Christianity
The Stream Wherever one looks, whatever one considers, Ecclesiastes 9:11 — which describes the cyclical nature of human events, that “there is nothing new under the sun” — returns to haunt. Such were my reflections while recently rereading the following excerpt from Eusebius of Caesarea’s (263-339 AD) important history of Christianity's first three centuries: Like dazzling … [Read more...]
Who’s to Blame? Historic American Church Transformed into a Mosque
The Stream A large, historic Catholic church in New York is on its way to becoming a mosque, following its purchase by a Muslim organization. On August 11, Fr. Ronald Vierling drew attention to the sale in a social media post: “St. Anne’s Church, Buffalo, NY. Permanently closed. Sold to the Islamic community for $250,000 who are converting the historic church into a … [Read more...]
Canceling the Crusades: Emasculated Westerners Grovel at the Feet of Muslims
The Stream “If Islam is terrorizing the West today, that is not because it can, but because the West allows it to. For no matter how diminished, a still swinging Scimitar will always overcome a strong but sheathed Sword.” Those are the very last words of my 352-page book, Sword and Scimitar, which chronicles fourteen centuries of warfare between Islam and the West. They were … [Read more...]
The Ominous Threat of a Terrorist Attack Waiting to Happen on US Soil
The Stream How much of a terrorist threat does the porous US/Mexico border pose to the average American citizen today? For those able to connect the dots, the (rather ominous) answer is readily available. According to a recent Bloomberg report, The Border Patrol … reported 172 encounters last fiscal year of people whose names appeared on a list of known or suspected … [Read more...]