National Review Online Danish Portuguese Today, August 15, marks the anniversary of Constantinople’s victory over Muslim invaders in what historians commonly call the “Second Siege of Byzantium,” 717–18. Prior to this massive onslaught, the Muslims had been hacking away at the domains of the Byzantine empire for nearly a century. The Muslims’ ultimate goal was the … [Read more...]
The West’s Blind Spot Towards Russia
By Ralph H. Sidway, guest contributor Perhaps there really is a “colonial mentality” afflicting the Western Powers after all. How else to explain the succession of disastrous foreign policy choices by Barack Obama, David Cameron, and the NATO alliance regarding the “Arab Spring,” which are not merely ill advised, but downright immoral. It’s one thing to put forth a … [Read more...]
Understanding Islam: Buddhist Common Sense vs. Western Nonsense
CBN News (Ibrahim: Islam Unveiled) Portuguese A recent New York Times article titled “Extremism Rises Among Myanmar’s Buddhists” offers important lessons on common sense and nonsense. Written by one Thomas Fuller, it begins by telling of how After a ritual prayer atoning for past sins, Ashin Wirathu, a Buddhist monk with a rock-star following in Myanmar, sat before an … [Read more...]
The Religious Equivalency Fallacy, Pt. I: On Zeal and Struggle
By Ralph Sidway, guest contributor On the Islam and Christianity blog, the author, Abu Daoud (a Christian evangelist living in the Middle East), offers critical remarks regarding an interview given by an Orthodox Christian priest/professor/author, who was presenting guidance for Christians in their interactions with Muslims. Some of it was useful, some of it was familiar, but … [Read more...]
The Christian Left’s Humanitarian Hypocrisy
The world’s double standards concerning which peoples qualify as oppressed and deserving of help is staggering. Two recent stories make this clear: First, a report exposed, in the words of the Turkish Coalition of America, “Turkey’s continued interest in expanding business and cultural ties with the American Indian community” and “Turkey’s interest in building bridges to … [Read more...]