Originally published by the Gatestone Institute As the United States considers the Islamic jihadi threats confronting it from all sides, it would do well to focus on its southern neighbor, Mexico, which has been targeted by Islamists and jihadists, who, through a number of tactics—from engaging in da'wa, converting Mexicans to Islam, to smuggling and the drug cartel, simple … [Read more...]
Islamic ‘Death-Sex’ in Context
Published in FrontPage Magazine Indonesian Aside from provoking shock, disgust, and denial, last week's news of Egyptian parliamentarians trying to pass a "farewell intercourse" law legalizing sex with one's wife up to six hours after she dies has yet to be fully appreciated. To start, consider the ultimate source of this practice: it's neither the Muslim Brotherhood nor … [Read more...]
Le radici Jihadiste dietro la strage norvegese
Pezzo in lingua originale inglese: The Jihadist Roots of the Norway Massacre Anders Breivik, l'anno scorso in una sparatoria in Norvegia, uccise 70 persone. Recentemente ha confessato la sua ispirazione: Al-Qaeda, jihadisti per eccellenza dell'era moderna. Secondo l'AFP, "durante il suo processo che ha avuto luogo martedì 17 aprile… il killer dietro il massacro di Norvegia ha … [Read more...]
The Jihadist Roots of the Norway Massacre
Published in FrontPage Magazine Translations of this item: Italian Anders Breivik, who went on a shooting spree in Norway last year, killing some 70 people, recently confessed his inspiration: al-Qaeda, the jihadists par excellence of the modern world. According to AFP, "The gunman behind the Norway massacres said he was inspired by al-Qaida as he took the … [Read more...]
Why The President Should Speak Out Against Religious Persecution
Published in Christian Solidarity International Note: If, while reading this article, you wish to tell the current president to stand up for religious minorities in the Islamic Middle East, sign CSI's petition. On January 24, during his State of the Union Address, the president of the United States has a chance to expose the plight of religious minorities living in Muslim … [Read more...]