Western Myopia and the 'Arab Spring' Published in Pajamas Media What a myopic view the Western media and its array of "experts" have concerning the so-called "Arab Spring" — a myopia that naturally metastasizes among the general public. Consider the Libyan crisis. As usual, the focus is entirely on the individual, on the tangible — the now dead Gaddafi — whom all the blame … [Read more...]
Hillary Clinton Promises to Save Egypt’s Christians?
Published in Jihad Watch Soon after Sunday's Maspero massacre, where the Egyptian military slaughtered Christians demonstrating over the destruction of their churches—including by running them over with armored vehicles—some Egyptian media began reporting that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, having seen enough, declared that the U.S. plans on directly intervening in … [Read more...]
The State Department’s Skewed Standards
Published in Jihad Watch Earlier this month in the West Bank, "settlers attempted to burn two mosques, and vandalized an IDF base as part of the latest 'price tag' attacks. The attacks came in response to the demolition of three buildings earlier this week in the West Bank settlement outpost Migron, 14 kilometers north of Jerusalem." Accordingly, on September 9, the U.S. … [Read more...]
The Real Iran
In a globalized world where debate and diplomacy predominate, there is one sure way to discern the sincerity of any particular government: see how it behaves at home, where it is in power; see especially how it treats its minorities. Consider the government of Iran. Gearing up for the Durban III Conference, supposedly against racism, scheduled to take place in New York City … [Read more...]
Exposed: Ron Paul’s Foreign Policy Ignorance and Naivety
Among other qualities, a good presidential candidate must be knowledgeable and able to think outside the box; equally important, he must not be naïve or gullible — certainly not swallow everything the enemy says hook, line, and sinker. During the recent Republican candidate debate,Congressman Ron Paul exhibited his ignorance and gullibility when the panel was asked "Do you … [Read more...]