The Subtle Side of Christian Persecution Published in Translations of this item: Danish Earlier this month I participated in Coptic Solidarity's Second Annual Conference in Washington D.C., titled: "Will Religious and Ethnic Minorities Pay the Price of the 'Arab Spring'?" Panelists included Middle East specialists, prominent members of the … [Read more...]
Zakaria Botros: Islam’s Scourge Returns
Published in Father Zakaria Botros, also known as Islam's "Public Enemy #1," is back. From around 2005-2010, this 76 year-old Coptic priest was Islam's bane. Appearing weekly on Arabic satellite, where he was viewed by an estimated 60 million people worldwide, mostly Muslims, he meticulously exposed any number of theological problems with Islam—all … [Read more...]
Why Muslim Demands for Headscarves Are Exaggerated
Published in Hudson NY Islamic attire for women—the burqa and hijab—are back in the news, though with a twist: In America, where they are legal, problems and lawsuits are arising, while in France, where they are banned, Muslim women are happily complying. There is an instructive reason for this; but first the stories from this week: A Muslim-American woman, Kulsoom … [Read more...]
The Brutal Mind of Al-Qaeda’s New Boss
An Interview with Raymond Ibrahim By Jamie Glazov in FrontPage Interview's guest today is al-Qaeda expert Raymond Ibrahim. His work includes the al-Qaeda entry for the World Almanac of Islamism; an analysis of al-Qaeda's worldview for the Middle East Review of International Affairs; and most recently an article on Ayman al-Zawahiri for Bloomberg. He is … [Read more...]
Kan amerikanske værdier radikalisere muslimer både her og i udlandet?
Synopsis-Olsen Oprindelig engelsk tekst: Can American Values Radicalize Muslims? Kommentarer der er fremkommet i den senere tid af U.S. embedsmænd om truslen fra "radikaliserede" amerikanske muslimer er bekymrende, når det drejer sig om de hjemlige og internationale konsekvenser. Chefanklager Eric Holder fastslår at; "truslen er forandret...til at vi skal bekymre os om … [Read more...]