Note: A number of media that have reported on the US Army War College's capitulation to CAIR -- most recently Breitbart and the College Fix -- have asked me questions, many of which I answered at length. As there was not enough space to publish my full responses, I post them below, the questions I was asked, and my (RI) complete response, for full context: Question: In the … [Read more...]
Recent Interviews on CAIR’s Triumph over the US Army War College
Last week I appeared on over a dozen video and radio interviews -- including CBN News, Newsmax, the Eric Metaxas Show, i24 News, the Paul Edwards Program, the Bill Martinez Show, and Colliding Worldviews -- regarding the US Army War College's recent capitulation to CAIR. Concerning this debacle, Allen West has correctly observed: “My Army has just emboldened and … [Read more...]
Sign Now: NAS Letter to Trump on War College’s Surrender to CAIR
The National Association of Scholars (NAS), “the leading organization of scholars and citizens committed to higher education as the catalyst of American freedom,” has come forth in my support and written an open letter to the President of the United States. The signatories, most of whom are academics, call President Trump’s attention to the US Army War College’s recent … [Read more...]
Piracy and Law in the Ottoman Mediterranean
Piracy and Law in the Ottoman Mediterranean by Joshua M. WhiteStanford: Stanford University Press, 2017. 376 pp.Reviewed by Raymond IbrahimAuthor of Sword and Scimitar Middle East Quarterly, Summer 2019 In the late sixteenth century, the Ottoman Empire and its European opponents increasingly withdrew from the Mediterranean, their primary theater of war, leaving … [Read more...]
Juan Cole’s Imaginary Muhammad
Muhammad: Prophet of Peace amid the Clash of Empires by Juan ColeNew York: Nation Books, 2018. 336 pp.Reviewed by Raymond IbrahimAuthor of Sword and Scimitar Middle East QuarterlySummer 2019 (view PDF) Note: Cole's ludicrous pro-Islamic revisionist history, which I review below, is representative of the only sort of history that CAIR and its Islamist allies … [Read more...]