According to new media reports, Qatar’s government has called on the top leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Group (al-Gama‘a al-Islamiyya)—including Assam Abdul Majid and Tarek al-Zomor, the leaders of the Islamic Group, and Muhammad Mahsub, Ashraf Badr al-Deen, Mahmoud Hasayn, and Hamza Zawba, the formal speaker of the Brotherhood’s Justice and Freedom Party—to leave Qatar and go to the English capital, London.

Sources say this move comes after Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations have begun to pressure Qatar for being a haven to Brotherhood and Islamic Group leaders.
Earlier, Turkey refused to accept these Islamist refugees.
Of note is the fact that England has not ratified the extradition agreement, meaning it does not need to extradite any criminal to any country, not to mention north London is a haven for Muslim Brotherhood members, at their head, the Secretary General of the Brotherhood, Mahmoud Ezzat, also known as “Mr. X” and the true leader of the organization.
The English will be fools to accept this lot.
We English do not want them in our country, its the scum government that is allowing them to come! The English people are now recruiting their own defence against them, and it will be WAR! The present day enemy are MP’s, government ministers, police(Nazis)forces, and the governments political(Nazi)Army. We also do not want Miliband’s Marxist SCUM in charge of our country.
Its a shame , you folks not having a 2nd Amendment , or even a right to self defense .
And that your government is no more moral , or acts to the betterment of its peoples , than the one we Americans have .
Validate your 2nd Amendment Rights . Carry !
We have something known as the Magana Carter! Which is in ‘velvet’, which our political parties disregard. It does give us common rights, and under its laws our MP’s are committing HIGH TREASON. Under these laws Miliband is not allowed to be the PM of Great Britain, and all these Muslims and any other immigrant making war in our homeland war, should be hung by thye4 neck until dead. Has should the elected MP’s for their corrupt treason against the people and country, and will be when we the people take back our country from these blacks, and EU Nazis. All these people involved in the Murder of soldier Lee Rigby will be arrested and charged, and when found guilty Hung. These Muslims are not going to tell us how to live in our own house. Had Your Black third world leader stood up to these in human people, the world would not be having this problem now. Obama has destroyed the USA, has have the Democrat Political Party. Pennant News interviewed some ex British soldiers, who have gone to bring back Hillary Clinton to Great Britain, and stand trial for the murder of 2514 British soldiers, by a Military Court of ex servicemen and women, with the death penalty when found guilty “which she is”.
Do what I do and write to that creature Theresa May, the more people send thus stuff on and protest, the more likely this will be brought to the attention of our criminal government. This has to stop. The Qataris are a despicable bunch, and I can speak with some knowledge because I have lived there and hated every minute if it. [email protected]
The only people fighting for our English Race are the British First movement, the police keep arresting them for expressing their rights as English people. The police are not arresting the Black Muslims for anti white English, in fact they went on TV telling the Blacks to kill white English and none were arrested. In West Yorkshire Police Force it is rum by an ACC Muslim, and they let them burn poppy’s and say remarks like kill more of them! All part of Theresa Mays Police Force. They new that Lee Rigby was going to be murdered on that day and did nothing, but let him be killed. When I was a soldier, and seconded to SB, working with MI5, my friends disseminated that down to me. I do know what these b******s are like!
English playin very dangerous game-hope wisdom came from experience
Why are the british not taking a strong stand against these muslims?