Earlier this week a video began circulating on Arabic-language websites purportedly showing a crowd of Muslims in Egypt assaulting and raping two Christian women—on a crowded street and in broad daylight. The video opens with Muslim men repeatedly shouting the word “Nasara”—the Koran’s derogatory appellation for “Christians”—as they identify two Coptic women who proceed to scream and run, only to be knocked to the ground by several Muslim men who savagely attack them, strip their clothing, and try to gang rape them. Throughout, the women scream in terror while the men shout “Allahu Akbar,” that is, “Allah is Great,” as well as chant the shehada, or Islamic profession of faith: la ilaha illa Allah (“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah”). None of the many passersby intervene in any way.

Little other information about the video accompanies the Arabic sites posting it. So I did some searching; apparently the events recorded in the video occurred in 2009. As for the context, I found a pro-Muslim article titled (in translation) “The truth about the video of Coptic girls raped in the street.” Here I expected to encounter denial and dissemble, claims that the video was a “hoax,” that these are not even Egyptians, etc., etc. Surprisingly, the article confirmed the authenticity of the video and what it depicts. The main quibble it offered was that the video was in fact made in 2009 and that the Coptic activists who recently uploaded it are troublemakers trying to create “sectarian strife.”
Much more interesting are the arguments the article makes to justify the rape of Christians: it claims that Muslim rage (for this particular incident) was prompted by accusations that a Coptic man had raped a Muslim girl. Accordingly, Muslims were merely retaliating in like manner (along with raping Christian girls, Muslims also rioted, burned, and destroyed Christian shops and homes, as is customary).
Of course, even if all this is true—if Muslims were merely exercising “an eye for an eye” logic—the ultimate significance of the video is this: If a Coptic man raped a Muslim woman, he certainly did not do so in accordance to any Christian teaching. He did it as a base man exercising base instincts—instincts which have nothing to do with race or religion.
On the other hand, what are we to make of Muslims screaming Islam’s two most distinct slogans—“Allahu Akbar” or “God is Great” and Islam’s very profession of faith, “there is no god but Allah”—while raping Christian women? What does that say about Islam, or at least how Muslims—from the videotaped rapists to the Muslim clerics who issue fatwas permitting rape—understand Islam?
The brief video follows. No English subtitles are necessary, for all the sounds made are universally intelligible—cries and screams from Christian women and “Allahu Akbars” from Muslim men—the universal sounds of suffering and supremacism.
And this is supposed to be a religion? It sounds more like a bunch of mentally ill homicidal maniacs. You all know that if this escalates much further there will be a war and I mean soon. If we allow these idiots to infiltrate our country unabated, and we do not act, we’re in for some major shit. Why do we continue to allows these morons in our country, I mean they have already professed their hatred for all of us in America, they are going to try every thing they can to destroy us. And they will, which they already have, attack us from within
There is no way to justify this behavior, they merely rationalize it with Mohammad’s violent example and Mohammad’s (not the Bible’s) allah’s sanction in Mohammad’s Qur’an.
Es que ya se están pasando de la raya…
Sheer wickedness – vengeance is mine I will repay says the LORD.
The men who did this will regret it forever.
Typical mohhamed practice
What u know about Islam where were u when big power were supporting those criminal everything created by big power it wasn’t like this before 911
typical Islam supporter
Go decapitate yourself
Ah, the religion of peace, that rapes women, kills innocents, all in the name of the child molester Mohamed
Anti Christ in Action
Rape Country Egypt. Democracy for the Muslim people in action. And our USA, and even less wise England and France have aided, and continue aiding, this democracy. Can’t help but recall that the democratic “people power” revolution in Indonesia in 1998 was accompanied by pogroms of the Buddhist and Christian Chinese minority and mass rapes of Chinese women and girls by Muslim crowds, as our obscene Madeline Albright and obscene Al Gore praised the rapists as “reformaci” “pro-democracy activists”.
Why has this not been broadcast all over the world and in the UK? I am not devout of any faith I am a mere human so can not justify, understand or relate their actions to any scriptures…however what I do know is these particular individuals are dangerous they are psychopaths who have been brainwashed by other extremists..I have Muslim friends and they would be absolutely disgusted by this. I wanted to help those women I felt so helpless just watching and then I got angry, why did no one do anything…? forget religion when this happens we are all HUMAN for crying out loud have some morals. I don’t care what certain people think about the UK but that would NOT happen here and that is why everyone comes over here because of freedom of speech..yeah we are such a cruel country taking in everyone from other country’s because their own is out of control. The women in that country must be living in fear for thier lives..I have one word for those animals in the video KARMA.
im so sick of hearing allah akbar. when evil is done in the name of god, does it not question your entire belief system, your values, your code of conduct of a human being?? anarchy rules in muslim dominated countries.
Please those people are not Muslim they doing those attack on Islam Muhammad peace be upon him brought more rights for women then mens please those are animal Islam teach right thing but those people misleading those message
They are inspired by Allah. That is the problem. They are doing exactly what the Qur’an exhorts Muslims to do. Terrorize. Humiliate the infidel. There is nothing in Islam that would PREVENT them from doing what they are doing.
@ratonis:disqus Wow! That’s not true! You have no idea what you’re talking about!! They’re ignorant people they doesn’t know anything about Quran!! If they do know they would even come near her NO MATTER WHAT SHE DID!
They’re screaming “allahu akbar” while raping a woman. Can’t get more obvious than that. THIS IS ISLAM
Muhammad was a pedophile -any adult that has -sex with children we in the west regard them as -pedophiles -he married Aisha at 6 consummated it when she was 9-only muslims shout Allah Akbar -where are all you peace loving muslim’s why don’t you condemm the ones that are killing in you name -we only hear -silence -because you do approve of what they are doing-and please do not -insult the -animals by referring to them as- muslims.
I am sending message please find source who is behind those criminal America support Taliban against Russian now they attack now they supporting sayrian rebel then they support Saddam hussian against Iran now they against please we individual person can help those women those who getting raped inform all of people are u friends
Beasts. Animals. Now we know why God gave the commands he did to Joshua. Similar peoples.
And to think there’s 50 million of these things here in Europe…
A tragedy
Poor Europe
The occident is embarrasing. We do the same with European bitches. They should be happy its the only way for them to get a Men. Chrisitan Men are disgracefull, They do nothing against it and let us do everything with her daughters and wifes 😀 الله أكبر
You’re an uncivilized animal
You guys deserved every death America gave you and more
The world needs less of your animals
You say that but we become more and more in Europe and your Christians less ;D. White Christian Bitches get fucked against her will and her brothers and
boyfriends have to watch or they will beaten. Thats your fate sooner or later to and America comes to. We will get our victory get your girls as pets and take care of your childrens. The strong deserve the female of the weak looser like its always was.
Good luck, any turban I see will be perforated by lead smeared with pig grease. Any koran I see will be force-fed to the towelhead carrying it with a slab of bacon in the middle like a sandwich.
“Allahu Akhbar” BANG! *thud*
That’s your future in America,hajji. Oh, and how will you make your pilgrimage to Mecca when it’s buried in radioactive u-235, you mohammedan faggot? You want to pull this shit on us? We can play this game too. Not a whole lot of water out there in the desert,is there? How would you like to have to drink polonium from now on,you camel-humping piece of shit?
Call ur Mohammed or Allah or whatever u call it to come and suck my dick
Please respect each other bad people misguide real concept of islam and destroy islamic image.anger feeling got nothing to do with religion blame bad person. Some bad christian do we blame all christian?
Your prophet sucks dog cock in hell as we speak.
That’s the only way you gutless cowards of islam can get a woman by raping them -you are so dam ugly and smelly they wouldn’t touch you with a 10 foot pole -you are taught nothing but -hatred of -every thing -anything that is not of islam there is no beauty -love -laughter -kindness -in your lives your -never happy -I thank -God -Allah and Budha I was not born a muslim -a scourge on humanity.
Dont use god name to do satanic act againt islam
Typical muzzies. The Democrats want to immigrate them in enmasse like Britain did so we can have this happening on the streets of America like it does in London now.
And we should welcome these animals into our country of democracy and religious freedom so that they can undermine and disgrace us? We as American’s need to take our country back. Law enforcement can’t do anything about the problem of radical islam in our country because they are bound by ridiculous laws protecting these terrorists who are invading america! Buying up franchise businesses everywhere, and squirming into our economy on a large scale. Ever been to a 7/11? Next time you visit one of these fine establishments, take time to ask who the owner is. Bet it’s not a James Johnson. America’s policy to welcome “qualified” immigrants needs to change. If you want to scream allah, blow shit up, invade our country, kill our soldiers, rape our women that travel abroad, kill innocent people who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wake up America! When was the last time you heard of a illegal criminal organization consisting of radical Christians in the middle east trying to snuff out Muslims???!
This is a anti Islamic page and everyone who hates Islam can be seen commenting here.. these is a false video… and the admin big idiot… do whatever you want you can’t stop islam from dominating the world..
Dominating where, asshole. We r gonna nuke u faggots soon again. U and ur ass licking Mohammed and crazy Allah
Tashreef Your ancestors have also been raped and made Muslim. You were born by rape
omg the Islamic religion is not like this/….what thefuck with people today? yeah its wrong what they did but you have no right to judge their religion ….pure ignorants say thier are happy about their wars …wtf…….im not happy about what they did …but i do not wish them evil like everybody else does…
and its funny how everybody seems to know everything about them and their culture…its what the media wants u to see *sigh*
“the Islamic religion is not like this” Bullshit apparently it IS because here’s video to prove it!
This is why women should CARRY! I would love nothing more than to see this woman drop to the ground, roll over, pull out a .45 and blast the rapist clean in the chest and END HIM. END THEM ALL.
Maybe when one of them comes to rape YOU you’ll feel very differently about this “religion of peace” which it isn’t….but I don’t want to hear you complain….you want these apes in our back yard…
Please move to the Middle East Karen.
मादर चोद कोम है साली धारती पर जितनी जल्दी इस कोम का सफाया हो तो शांति आये भगवान् से सच्चे मन से प्रार्थना है इस कोम को जितनी जल्दी हो सके इस दुनिया से सफाया कर दे …………..ॐ शांति
Yeah, what he said.
Its Islam all-about
Its Islam all-about…a group of Radicals
I dont understand how could they say “Allah ho akbar” while doing such a shameful did ??
I’m a Muslim! and those doesn’t know ANYTHING about being an Muslim! What they did was horrible and unforgivable and they should be all killed! I’m a Muslim and my religion is innocent from those savages ignorant people! May Allah forgive us for letting them do that do her!
Mostafa Your ancestors have also been raped and made Muslim. You were born by rape
eliminates islam from this earth as soon as possible. its satanic ideology is very danger for this world. someone, something, anything, please do something. we need to clean earth from islam.
nobody can do that near me while i’m still breathing .
I went to Egypt once for what was supposed to be a holiday. It was hell on earth and I spent the entire time tagging along with other tourists so I would be spared the aggressive harassment that all women face when unaccompanied by a husband. Either that or I was in my room with the chair pushed up under the lock to prevent the hotel staff raping me.
The only cure is death to all muslims
Vous ne pensez pas u’il est un peu trop tard pour se rebiffer, ou pour trouver cela intolérable?
-Je me permets de l’écrire en français, afin de bien faire comprendre la différence deculture et d’Histoire , par rapport à ceux qui de toujours font peser sur l’ensemble du Monde leur sempiternelle acte de bonne conscience. Alors qu’ils sont responsables de tout cela par des engagements parfois vieux de plus d’un siècle avant les événements modernes-
En effet, qui à armer et faire fructifier tant le Pakistan et les étudiants musulmans (Talibans)? Qui à favoriser les moudjahidines tant du temps des afriques colonisées (portugaises, belges, espagnoles, voire anglaises et surtout françaises). Notamment en Afrique du Nord français et de l’Algérie Française en particulier?
Qui à favoriser les moudj en Afghanistan, au détriment des laïques et des républicains et des démocrates?
Ce sont et toujours lesd Anglais et/ou anglo-saxons. Pis, lorsqu’ils s’approprient des terres étrangères (Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Amérique du Nord, ….) , que se passe-t-il? Ils font massacres sur massacres jusqu’à l’héradication des populations indigènes locales, voire au-delà. Puis effacent leurs crimes et réécrivent l’Histoire. En fait ces anglais et anglo-saxons sont plus romains que les romains eux-mêmes. Lorsque ces derniers réécrivent l’Histoire sur la destruction de Carthage et de ses populations indigènes jusqu’à pratiquement l’héradication totale de ces dernières.
EN conclusion, ce n’est plus maintenant qu’il faut se réveiller, mais c’était avant. Maintenant, à cause de vous, cela est devenu trop tard.
There is only one Way if world wants peace than these fucking bastards should be in one country all other countries should make Sure they do not have a single muslim, no voting rights for these machine fuckers, Dr Ali Sina, also opens eye on Islam in the book understanding Muhammad
There is only one Way if world wants peace than these fucking bastards should be in one country all other countries should make Sure they do not have a single muslim, no voting rights for these machine fuckers, Dr Ali Sina, also opens eye on Islam in the book understanding Muhammad
YouTube has (under threat from Islam) has removed the video
YouTube has (under threat from Islam) has removed the video