To understand why the Islamic State not only decapitates its “infidel” captives, but also mutilates and mocks their corpses—and all to sadistic laughter—one need only turn to the Koran and deeds of Islamic prophet Muhammad.
The Koran exhorts believers to “Fight them [those who oppose Islam], Allah will torment them with your hands, humiliate them, empower you over them, and heal the hearts of the believers, removing the rage from their hearts” (Koran 9:14-15).

As usual, to understand the significance of any Koran verse, one must turn to the sira and hadith—the biography and anecdotes of Muhammad, respectively—for context.
Thus we come to the following account concerning the slaughter of ‘Amr bin Hisham, a pagan Arab chieftain originally known as “Abu Hakim” (Father of Wisdom) until Muhammad dubbed him “Abu Jahl” (Father of Stupidity) for his staunch opposition to Islam.
After ‘Amr was mortally wounded by a new convert to Islam during the Battle of Badr, Abdullah ibn Mas‘ud, a close companion of Muhammad, saw the “infidel” chieftain collapsed on the ground. So he went to him and started abusing him. Among other things, Abdullah grabbed and pulled ‘Amr’s beard and stood in triumph on the dying man’s chest.
According to Al-Bidaya wa Al-Nihaya (“The Beginning and the End”), Ibn Kathir’s authoritiative history of Islam, “After that, he [Abdullah] slit his [‘Amr’s] head off and bore it till he placed it between the hands of the Prophet. Thus did Allah heal the hearts of the believers with it.”
This, then, is the true significance of Koran 9:14-15: “Fight them, Allah will torment them with your hands [mortally wounding and eventually decapitating ‘Amr], humiliate them [pulling his beard], empower you over them [standing atop him], and heal the hearts of the believers, removing the rage from their hearts [at the sight of his decapitated head].”
The logic here is that, pious Muslims are so full of zeal for Allah’s cause that the only way their inflamed hearts can be at rest is to see those who oppose Allah and his prophet utterly crushed—humiliated, mutilated, decapitated. Then the hearts of the believers can be at ease and “healed.”
This is surely one of the reasons behind the Islamic State’s dissemination of gory videos and pictures of its victims: the new “caliphate” is trying to heal the hearts of every believer inflamed for the cause of Allah.
If this sounds too farfetched, consider the following picture of a decapitated “infidel” from the Islamic State’s websites. The Arabic caption to the left says “healing for hearts”—a clear reference to the aforementioned Koran verse:
Koran 96:15-16 also alludes to the fate of ‘Amr and offers more context applicable to the Islamic State: “No! If he does not desist, we will surely drag him by the forelock—a lying, sinning forelock.”
According to al-Alusi’s tafsir, or exegesis, after Abdullah placed his foot on the dying foe of Islam, ‘Amr opened his eyes and recognized him. The once proud chieftain lamented that he was being killed by a common “goat herder,” to which Abdullah replied, “Islam elevates and nothing is elevated above it.” He then sheared his head off. “But he could not carry it, so he made holes in the ears and put thread through them and dragged the head to the prophet. Then Gabriel, peace be upon him, came laughing and saying, “O prophet, you got an ear and an ear—and the head between for a bonus!”
Based, then, on the treatment of ‘Amr bin Hisham (AKA “Abu Jahl”) as recorded in Islam’s core texts—Koran, hadith, sira, and tafsirs—all sadistic acts being carried out by the Islamic State were in fact committed by the earliest Muslims and all to the complete approval of Muhammad (and apparently the “angel” Gabriel, too). They include:
- Beheadings and mutilations (e.g., holes in ears of ‘Amr)
- Humiliation and gestures of triumph (feet on chest of fallen victim, dragging his body, or head, on the ground)
- Laughter, mockery, and celebration (for the hearts of the believers are now “healed”)
Indeed, along with the “healing for hearts” image above, consider some other pictures taken from the Islamic State’s websites and how well they conform to the above accounts describing the slaughter of ‘Amr[*]:
Note how in the following four pictures, to demonstrate that the enemies of Islam have been brought low, as Koran 9:14-15 promised, Islamic State members make it a point to place their feet atop their fallen corpses, most of which were first decapitated. Note also how the ubiquitous black flag of Islam is always raised above the fallen “infidels”—a reminder that “Islam elevates and nothing is elevated above it,” as Abdullah told ‘Amr, with his foot on his chest, before beheading him.
Note the jocularity in the following picture—reminiscent of the “angel” Gabriel laughing and joking about the mutilated head of ‘Amr. (If Allah’s angel finds such human carnage amusing, shouldn’t Allah’s jihadi servants as well?)
The following picture is reminiscent of how ‘Amr’s head was treated: mutilated and dragged on the ground. In this case, it is a decapitated body that is being degraded:
The next two pictures are of especial interest because they actually use the relatively arcane Arabic word haz (bottom left-hand corner), which means to “slice” off, to describe the beheading of Islam’s enemies. The standard Arabic word for “cut” generally used to describe a beheading is qata‘. That the word used (haz) is the same word found in the early jihad literature is no coincidence and indicative of the source of inspiration: Islam’s scriptures. (Also watch this video with English subtitles of an Islamic cleric explaining to his followers how one must “slice” (haz) heads off — and do it slowly to enjoy it more — as opposed to merely chopping it off.)
In short, not only are the members of the Islamic State closely patterning themselves after Muhammad—whom Koran 33:21 exhorts believers to emulate in all ways—but even in the most sadistic of details are they finding support in their prophet.
Nor should it come as any surprise that Muslims are aware of these accounts from early Islamic history. After all, the near hagiographic Battle of Badr, including the story of ‘Amr’s slaughter, is routinely glorified worldwide in mosque sermons, on Islamic satellite stations, and in Islamic texts. It is a source of great pride.
Thus when young Muslims express their anger and frustration at the state of affairs of the Islamic world, their clerics council them to go to the jihad in Iraq and Syria and decapitate themselves an infidel—which, according to the Koran, should “heal their hearts.”
(Perhaps that’s why a British female convert to Islam is so eager to “behead Christians with a blunt knife“? Perhaps that’s why a jihadi savagely pulled out and bit into the heart of a fallen Syrian soldier—to heal his own heart by sating his rage against Allah’s “enemies”?)
Such Muslims join the jihad, and not only do they decapitate, but they mutilate, humiliate, and laugh at the disgraced enemies of Allah—in perfect emulation of the Islamic glory/gory stories they grew up on.
This is the true cult of jihad which few non-Muslims can begin to comprehend—and little wonder, considering that their political leaders, professors, and media continue to babble foolishly about how Islam is the “religion of peace.”
[*] Thanks to Rachid for compiling and presenting the above pictures and accounts.
Disgusting religion formulated by the devil.
It’s not a religion it’s a nasty vicious CULT. Real religions never behave like this.
Very true!
There is a lot of incorrect info regarding Islam which has been perpetuated by Western political correctness. Thanks to folks like Raymond, we have benefited and are still benefiting, from learning the TRUTH. Keep in mind something, if ANYONE tells you that the Judeo/Christian Bible is no different than the Quran of Islam, you can be sure of one of three things: 1) The source of the info is clueless, 2) the source of the info is an “apologist” aka, someone who is on the receiving end of Muslim CASH, 3) the source is a liar, trying to deceive in order to hide the truth.
Islam is nothing more than a terrorist organization disguised as a religion.
It is a myth and ABSOLUTELY not correct that Muslims worship the same god as the Jews or Christians. Ur of the Chaldees is first mentioned in the account of Abraham’s journey in Genesis 12:1. The spiritual ruler of Ur was the moon-god. This god would ultimately become the supreme deity of the entire Babylonian empire. The root names of many individuals in Babylon preserves links to the gods of the Babylonian pantheon: Sennacherib, or “Sin Ech-erib” = “Sin multiplies his brothers.”
The god “Sin” was elevated to the top of the Babylonian pantheon by Nabu-na’id (Nabonidus) in an effort to make Babylonian religion more acceptable to subjects like the Arabians and Arameans. The Arabians esteemed the moon god, but had more difficulty identifying with Marduk, the supreme Babylonian deity associated primarily with the city of Babylon.
The god Sin, “The Controller of the Night,” had the crescent moon as his emblem, and the lunar-based calendar, which became the primary religious symbols of Islam, was worshiped in Arabia as AI-Ilah. Mecca became the center of all pagan religions of Arabia before Mohammed. AI-Ilah, the Moon God, was the “Lord of the Ka’aba” (“cube”) which was formerly the center of pagan worship, ruling over 360 idols. Lucrative trade routes resulted. The Ka’aba black cube in Mecca is of course the center of Islamic worship today.
Islam incorporates beliefs in jinns ( which are genies, fairies); in spells, magic stones, fetishes; and animistic beliefs (spirits living in inanimate objects). See: Suras 55; 72; 113, 114. Such beliefs are contrary to Biblical injunctions found for example in Deut. 4:19; 17:3; Job 31:26-28. Penalties: Deut. 17:6; 2 Ki 23:5.
The Sabeans’ Religion (pre-Muhammad) Astral religion, which involves worshiping heavenly bodies (“the host of heaven”) is strongly warned against in the Bible. In such idolatrous systems the Moon is often viewed as a male deity; and the Sun, a female deity; with the Stars their offspring. A Lunar cyclical calendar results. For example the practice of fasting from crescent moon to crescent moon. Derived from these forms of worship of the host of heaven are the practices of bowing and prayer toward Mecca; the requirement for a Holy Pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca, in order to circle the Ka’aba, the site of the protective black stone. Al-Ilah was Lord of the Ka’aba; is to be circled 7 times and kissed. Pilgrims then run to the Wadi Mina to throw stones at the Devil. These rites are practiced in Islam today.
Pagans who lived in Saudi Arabia before Muhammad was born worshiped toward Mecca because Mecca is where their idols were located. Because this pagan worship centered on Mecca was so widespread, a rapid acceptance of
Muhammad’s new religion was possible. Thus, Islam is a previously heathen
religion modified into a monotheistic form by discarding all the other pagan
gods except for Al-Ilah.
Islamic “Allah” implies a God who is unknowable, impersonal, capricious (untrustworthy). This is NOT the GOD of Christianity. One God? (at a time) is a concept found in other pagan derivative religions:
Egypt: Ra, Isis, Osiris
Chaldeans: Ba-al, Molech
Greeks: Zeus; Jupiter
Muhammad was not sinless: See Sura 40:55. He never performed a single miracle: Sura 17:91-95. He did not die for anyone. No personal relationship with him is possible: he is dead, buried in the ground. “Muhammad did NOT teach his followers to be respectful of other religions! Al Maidah (The Table): “Believers (Muslims), take neither Jews nor Christians to be your friends: they are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship Shall become one of their number, and God does not guide (those Jewish and Christian (called “wrong-doers,” 5:51-5:74).
“Say, ‘People of the Book (Jews), is it not that you hate us (Ishmaelite Muslims), only because we believe in God, and in what has been revealed to others, and because most of you ( ws) are evil-doers?” 5:57
But according to the Bible Israel not to be cast off: Jer. 31 :36-37.
Islam is Anti-Black! American blacks have been widely deceived. Only people with white faces will be saved; people with black faces will be damned: Sura 3:106,107. Arab Muslims were enslaving black Africans long before Westerners.
Abrahamic descent? Arabs are not (necessarily) descendants of Ishmael. Abraham never lived in Mecca.
It is Muslims that need to dig a little deeper into their beliefs. They need to free themselves from the lies they believe! They need to stop spreading their terrorist commands as Islam promotes.
Apostle of God used to clean himself after defecation using only odd number of stones. That is the sunna (examples set byMuhammad). Muslims living in U.S.can go to Home Depot and buy a bag of gravel for this purpose (the used gravel can be good landscaping material).
Bukhari Volume 1, Book 4, Number 163: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said,” whoever cleans his private parts stones should do so with odd numbers”
You must keep your right hand clean to hold Quran. Bukhari Volume 1, Book 4, Number 156: Narrated Abu Qatada: The Prophet said, “Whenever anyone of you urinates he should not hold his
penis or clean his private parts with his right hand.
In the morning wash your nose from inside as Satan urinates and defecates
inside while spending the night there. Otherwise you will have runny nose all day besides possible nose infections.
Volume 4, Book 54, Number 516: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “If anyone of you rouses from sleep and performs the ablution, he should wash his nose by putting water in it and then blowing it out thrice, because Satan has stayed in the upper part of his nose all the night.”
Now you have to admit, to believe this garbage you have to be very ignorant!
Utter barbarity. This so called religion cannot be saved. Islam IS the abomination which causes desolation.
How are we in America going to pass any law against this “religion” when the first amendment of our Constitution explicitly forbids it? “…Congress shall make no law… regarding the establishment of religion or the free exercise thereof…” We had better start thinking about this NOW.
At the time the framers developed the Constitution, no one dreamed that this once great nation would be filled with apostates, idolaters and deception so powerful that only judgment remains. There is no way back, and only through judgment will a remnant remain. God is faithful and he will destroy the Islamic barbarians and pagans. Its the people of this nation I am concerned about just like you. Return to our God is the answer for so-called Christians and we Jews as well.
Islam has two parts, the religions part and the political part. Our constitution is under no obligation to allow Islam on the basis that the political part is the polar opposite of our democracy and is a direct threat to our freedom. So, a political ideology disguised as a religion does not fall under the constitution.
How can anyone separate the two? I also want to add, what will happen if they start to stockpile guns and ammo in their Mollusks?? There is the second amendment. I LOVE both but am just saying, this could be a future issue and our legal eagles need to be looking at this. I believe that maybe some kind of “War Law” needs to be invoked with a Congressional Declaration of War, why not? we have Civil Law and Procedures; and Criminal Law and Procedures; why not “War Law” and procedures?
You cannot separate the two because it is political ideology disguised as religion. Therefore they both must go. We have to very careful about what laws we pass though because we could end up making it illegal to speak out against our own government when we are dissatisfied.
If Islam were in fact a religion, then you are right. Islam is not a religion in any way shape or form. It has as it’s founder a paedophile, and a man who was totally intolerant of any views other than his own. His deity loves killing, and happily enjoins his followers to engage in the open buying and selling of girls/women for sex. Once again, allegedly following their prophet, who claimed the Angel Gabriel endowed him with the vigour of 40 men. Religions, real ones that is are in the business of compassion, mercy, Love forgiveness, all the very opposite of Islamic teaching. No, itisnt a religion.
Islam is not a religion, it is a terrorist organization disguised as a religion. They use FEAR and INTIMIDATION to get followers. We have laws against cutting people’s heads off, stoning a woman, all kinds of laws against their stupidity already. The problem is we have a president that is a Muslim sympathizer that went around the world apologizing to Muslims for our values. That’s the real problem!
After all the claims of Islam being a peaceful religion, it is good to read a forthright statement of what Muslims really believe. In contrast with most Christians and Jews, who generally are not all that familiar with the more bloody-minded parts of the Bible, as well as our own history, Muslims are intimately acquainted with the Quran in all its horrible original language. They claim it can only be understood in Arabic. I understand that Mr Ibrahim knows Arabic as well as the Quran, and is able to interpret the cruelty and insanity of this cultural cancer.
Islam is nothing more than a terrorist organization disguised as a religion.
is a myth and ABSOLUTELY not correct that Muslims worship the same god
as the Jews or Christians. Ur of the Chaldees is first mentioned in the
account of Abraham’s journey in Genesis 12:1. The spiritual ruler of Ur
was the moon-god. This god would ultimately become the supreme deity of
the entire Babylonian empire. The root names of many individuals in
Babylon preserves links to the gods of the Babylonian pantheon:
Sennacherib, or “Sin Ech-erib” = “Sin multiplies his brothers.”
The god “Sin” was elevated to the top of the Babylonian pantheon by
Nabu-na’id (Nabonidus) in an effort to make Babylonian religion more
acceptable to subjects like the Arabians and Arameans. The Arabians
esteemed the moon god, but had more difficulty identifying with Marduk,
the supreme Babylonian deity associated primarily with the city of
The god Sin, “The Controller of the Night,” had the
crescent moon as his emblem, and the lunar-based calendar, which became
the primary religious symbols of Islam, was worshiped in Arabia as
AI-Ilah. Mecca became the center of all pagan religions of Arabia before
Mohammed. AI-Ilah, the Moon God, was the “Lord of the Ka’aba” (“cube”)
which was formerly the center of pagan worship, ruling over 360 idols.
Lucrative trade routes resulted. The Ka’aba black cube in Mecca is of
course the center of Islamic worship today.
Islam incorporates
beliefs in jinns ( which are genies, fairies); in spells, magic stones,
fetishes; and animistic beliefs (spirits living in inanimate objects).
See: Suras 55; 72; 113, 114. Such beliefs are contrary to Biblical
injunctions found for example in Deut. 4:19; 17:3; Job 31:26-28.
Penalties: Deut. 17:6; 2 Ki 23:5.
The Sabeans’ Religion
(pre-Muhammad) Astral religion, which involves worshiping heavenly
bodies (“the host of heaven”) is strongly warned against in the Bible.
In such idolatrous systems the Moon is often viewed as a male deity; and
the Sun, a female deity; with the Stars their offspring. A Lunar
cyclical calendar results. For example the practice of fasting from
crescent moon to crescent moon. Derived from these forms of worship of
the host of heaven are the practices of bowing and prayer toward Mecca;
the requirement for a Holy Pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca, in order to
circle the Ka’aba, the site of the protective black stone. Al-Ilah was
Lord of the Ka’aba; is to be circled 7 times and kissed. Pilgrims then
run to the Wadi Mina to throw stones at the Devil. These rites are
practiced in Islam today.
Pagans who lived in Saudi Arabia before
Muhammad was born worshiped toward Mecca because Mecca is where their
idols were located. Because this pagan worship centered on Mecca was so
widespread, a rapid acceptance of
Muhammad’s new religion was possible. Thus, Islam is a previously heathen
religion modified into a monotheistic form by discarding all the other pagan
gods except for Al-Ilah.
Islamic “Allah” implies a God who is unknowable, impersonal, capricious
(untrustworthy). This is NOT the GOD of Christianity. One God? (at a
time) is a concept found in other pagan derivative religions:
Egypt: Ra, Isis, Osiris
Chaldeans: Ba-al, Molech
Greeks: Zeus; Jupiter
Muhammad was not sinless: See Sura 40:55. He never performed a single
miracle: Sura 17:91-95. He did not die for anyone. No personal
relationship with him is possible: he is dead, buried in the ground.
“Muhammad did NOT teach his followers to be respectful of other
religions! Al Maidah (The Table): “Believers (Muslims), take neither
Jews nor Christians to be your friends: they are friends with one
another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship Shall become one of their
number, and God does not guide (those Jewish and Christian (called
“wrong-doers,” 5:51-5:74).
“Say, ‘People of the Book (Jews), is
it not that you hate us (Ishmaelite Muslims), only because we believe in
God, and in what has been revealed to others, and because most of you (
ws) are evil-doers?” 5:57
But according to the Bible Israel not to be cast off: Jer. 31 :36-37.
Islam is Anti-Black! American blacks have been widely deceived. Only
people with white faces will be saved; people with black faces will be
damned: Sura 3:106,107. Arab Muslims were enslaving black Africans long
before Westerners.
Abrahamic descent? Arabs are not (necessarily) descendants of Ishmael. Abraham never lived in Mecca.
It is Muslims that need to dig a little deeper into their beliefs. They
need to free themselves from the lies they believe! They need to stop
spreading their terrorist commands as Islam promotes.
So then what is there to stop us from immediately BANNING this phony religion, confiscating all their property and giving it to its victims? We need to declare AMERICA a Muslim free zone and enforce it with vigor.
There will always be naive, stupid people and those that never get educated. It’s one thing to be misinformed, but to be ignorant is no excuse for doing stupid, anti-common sense things.
Widely shared, important article, the world says thank you!
General Sheridan supposedly said “The only good Indian is a dead Indian.”. (This was probably a misquote but popular at the time). This sentiment can be updated and softened for our times. The only good Muslim is a Bad Muslim i.e. a religious “slacker” who ignores the clear religious mandates of orthodox Islam. If the Muslim community doesn’t produce an overwhelming majority of “Bad Muslim” and do it quickly, we (the west) may have to revert to the 19th century version of that saying (substituting Muslim for Indian of course).