U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama’s recent condemnation of medieval Christian history to exonerate modern Islam is a reminder of how woefully ignorant (or intentionally deceptive) a good many people in the West are concerning the true history of Christian Europe and Islam.
The problem is that those who condemn things like the Crusades—including “mainstream” academics, journalists, movie-makers, and politicians—do so without mention of historical context. Worse, they imply “we” already know the context: evil popes and greedy knights exploiting Christianity to seize Muslim lands and wealth. Or as Karen Armstrong put it, “the idea that Islam imposed itself by the sword is a Western fiction, fabricated during the time of the Crusades when, in fact, it was Western Christians who were fighting brutal holy wars against Islam.”
The true story of Christendom and Islam is the antithesis of such claims. Consider some facts for a moment:
A mere decade after the birth of Islam in the 7th century, the jihad burst out of Arabia. Leaving aside all the thousands of miles of ancient lands and civilizations that were permanently conquered—including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and parts of India and China—much of Europe was also, at one time or another, conquered by the sword of Islam.
Among other nations and territories that were attacked and/or came under Muslim domination are (to give them their modern names in no particular order): Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Sicily, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Greece, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Lithuania, Romania, Albania, Serbia, Armenia, Georgia, Crete, Cyprus, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Belarus, Malta, Sardinia, Moldova, Slovakia, and Montenegro.
In 846 Rome was sacked and the Vatican defiled by Muslim Arab raiders; some 600 years later, in 1453, Christendom’s other great basilica, Holy Wisdom (or Hagia Sophia) was conquered by Muslim Turks, permanently. (Till this day, Turkish Muslims celebrate the sack of Constantinople, which saw much rapine and slaughter.)
The few European regions that escaped direct Islamic occupation due to their northwest remoteness include Great Britain, Scandinavia, and Germany. That, of course, does not mean that they were not attacked by Islam. Indeed, in the furthest northwest of Europe, in Iceland, Christians used to pray that God save them from the “terror of the Turk.” This was not mere paranoia; as late as 1627, Muslim corsairs raided the northern Christian island seizing four hundred captives and selling them in the slave markets of Algiers.
Nor did America escape. A few years after the formation of the United States, in 1800, American trading ships in the Mediterranean were plundered and their sailors enslaved by Muslim corsairs. The ambassador of Tripoli explained to Thomas Jefferson that it was a Muslim’s “right and duty to make war upon them [non-Muslims] wherever they could be found, and to enslave as many as they could take as prisoners.”
In short, for roughly one millennium—punctuated by a Crusader-rebuttal that the modern West is obsessed with demonizing—Islam daily posed an existential threat to Christian Europe and by extension Western civilization.
And therein lies the rub: Today, whether as taught in high school or graduate school, whether as portrayed by Hollywood or the news media, the predominant historic narrative is that Muslims are the historic “victims” of “intolerant” Western Christians. (Watch my response to a Fox News host wondering why Christians have always persecuted Muslims.)
So here we are, paying the price of being an ahistorical society: A few years after the Islamic strikes of 9/11—merely the latest in the centuries-long, continents-wide jihad on the West—Americans elected (twice) a man with a Muslim name and heritage for president; a man who condemns the Crusades while openly empowering the same Islamic ideology that Christian warriors fought for centuries.
Surely the United States’ European forebears—who at one time or another either fought off or were conquered by Islam—must be turning in their graves.
But all this is history, you say? Why rehash it? Why not let it be and move on, begin a new chapter of mutual tolerance and respect, even if history must be “touched up” a bit?
This would be a somewhat plausible position—if not for the fact that, all around the globe, Muslims are still exhibiting the same imperial impulse and intolerant supremacism that their conquering forbears did. The only difference is that the Muslim world is currently incapable of defeating the West through a conventional war.
Yet this may not even be necessary. Thanks to the West’s ignorance of history, Muslims are flooding Europe under the guise of “immigration,” refusing to assimilate, and forming enclaves which in modern parlance are called “ghettoes” but in Islamic terminology are the ribat—frontier posts where the jihad is waged on the infidel, one way or the other.
All this leads to another, perhaps even more important point: If the true history of the West and Islam is being turned upside its head, what other historical “orthodoxies” being peddled around as truth are also false?
Were the Dark Ages truly benighted because of the “suffocating” forces of Christianity? Or were these dark ages—which “coincidentally” occurred during the same centuries when jihad was constantly harrying Europe—a product of another suffocating “religion”? Was the Spanish Inquisition—also condemned by Obama—a reflection of Christian barbarism or was it at least partially a reflection of Christian desperation vis-à-vis the many Muslims who, while claiming to have converted to Christianity, were practicing taqiyya and living as moles trying to subvert the Christian nation back to Islam? (Jews often received the same treatment and worse primarily for being associated with Islam and Muslims.)
Don’t expect to get true answers to these and other questions from the makers, guardians, and disseminators of the West’s fabricated epistemology.
In the future (whatever one there may be) the histories written about our times will likely stress how our era, ironically called the “information age,” was not an age when people were so well informed, but rather an age when disinformation was so widespread and unquestioned that generations of people lived in bubbles of alternate realities—till they were finally popped.
A very well written article- one all should read.
FANTASTIC article, Raymond. I am just so sick of the apologists, and the ones that our most vile, in my opinion, are the Western clergy, (and/ or their representatives).
Yes it is fantastic.A good reminder about the most evil ideology upon this earth. I hope that before I die I will see it wiped off the face of the earth. It is possible.
Yes to both, Mr. Ibrahim is outstanding in
his reporting and I hope we’ll win at last.
Unfortunately, there is no “win at last.” There is no happy ending. As long as the Universe exists, there will be those who want to diminish freedom, who wish to control others with their restrictions. It is a never-ending story of fighting repression.
A second thought says to me that you are right, unfortunately, or is it inherent and undividable in human existence?
Just Google “psychopathy” for your answer, and if you have the time and inclination download and read “Political Ponerology” by Andrew Lobaczewski. Available on Amazon Kindle for under $10 (http://tinyurl.com/kjsml44).
It’s heavy reading, but explains a lot about how we’ve arrived at this time in History, and is bound to open a few minds to analysis and understanding of the situation
Did you read the article? Henry reads like a very “Ponerated” individual.
Notislam and you are referring to Islam…
If you meant Islam, remember that it is the last testament for humanity, have you read it? It is laden heavily and systematically with the ingredients of happiness, compromise, and balance between earthly instincts and after life rewards. Accountability is the key for all human behaviors. I can assure you that this scripture is preserved by the Holy Great Creator of the Universe. Think about it!
Well put. I’m an Orthodox Christian and unlike the memory of Islamic sieges and tortures forgotten to Rome, we have not forgotten. We can’t, because it has been with us since this cult began and we have been under its yoke for a century. Only 100 years ago we had our last large Christian genocide at the hand of the Turks and Bedouin. Not all Christendom has forgotten who is the enemy.
Indeed. As Orthodox I always have known the true history, as explained by Mr. Ibrahim in this post. Not only did the West continue to innovate and create false doctrines which led to many problems, chief among them secularism and atheism, they have not had, and still don’t have, any idea of the history of Christianity’s birthplace, the East. We must speak the truth in love to everyone so they are aware. We will not forget, but let us try to repent and move closer to God and hope that others see ICXC who is in our midst. Glory to God for all things.
Glory to God and spread of the truth. Islam is the devil that we need to fight. Now intellectually , but the time will come that if we want to keep Christianity alive, the fight will be to death.
But your Church/s are the original Commie/Antisemites that truly started it all. Hope your not like Shoebat that blocked my free speech for telling the truth of the derivitatives. Sorry, but you ” Chistains” don’t defend Israel one bit. Google the Vatican’s Ratline deal with the MB..just like before and… Once Again. Yes, you worship your human Pope and ” stold JC for market share”. One look at Europe’s 150M Admitted Commie/Antisemites just today ust says it all about Communosocialists being the same Uber bloody slope Yes it’s called Chrislam I didn’t make up as our NWO “Religion” for your society where ” everybody is a king yet nobody wears a crown”. See our NWO GOP’s and the Church hiding your fake ” poor, diseased immigrants you and the Pope created as a direct attack on the world. Yes you all are Chrislam True Believers of the very worst kinds refusing the hard questions and just running away. It seems like the same 100 year war being waged from/by Russia on the Church and the being controlled by the same Commie fLag mafia as hr claims. Seems like we need to ” kill” the Cureia as the head of the Snake…
What an ignorant, unreadable, illegible, grammatically incompetent bunch of stupidity.
You should have “IDIOT” branded on your forehead in neon letters to warn anyone whom you might attempt to engage in your intellectually incompetent gibberish!
While I may unfortunately have to respect your right to make public statements, your “opinion”, if it can be called that, is totally contemptible, and irrelevant when it derives from a base of unmitigated ignorance.
Stick your head back up where it belongs, and with it put your ignorant “opinions” back where they originated.
You’re a blamer –name caller and not well read -as least on the TRUTH you are not well read. I see you must be a product of the lib-
progressives in the universities that promote lib-ideas. Such a shame.
What are you banking about you idiot?
David, who’s talking about the Pope… This is the preservation of Christians and the body of Christ.Chris, Chrislam as you put it is being spread by ungodly factions.Genuine Christians reject all that One world one religion “excrement”.
God bless you Mr. Ibrahim in Jesus’ Name and in the Name of the Trinity. I’m sorry to say I do not believe we are going to win this fight. But we must and will fight to the end.
Another paradox that the Lord told us about … we lose until … we win. “If we endure with him, we will reign with him”.
God grant us the grace to do so!
God bless you Mr. Ibrahim in Jesus’ Name and in the Name of the Trinity. I’m sorry to say I do not believe we are going to win this fight. But we must and will fight to the end.
History is our defense. These articles with along with their sources should be debated in our academia.
Too bad academia won’t allow the truth into textbooks.
Who owns and runs ‘academia’? And to what purpose/ends?
Perfect, up until “Was the Spanish Inquisition—also condemned by Obama—a reflection of Christian barbarism or was it at least partially a reflection of Christian desperation vis-à-vis the many Muslims who, while claiming to have converted to Christianity, were practicing taqiyya and living as moles trying to subvert the Christian nation back to Islam?” Whether it was unspeakable barbarism regarding Muslims or not, the Spanish Inquisition was an annihilation of Judaism and Jews from Spain. Here is some context that Ray says he’d like to see, from the first few paragraphs of http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/expulsion.html
In the same month in which their Majesties [Ferdinand and Isabella] issued the edict that all Jews should be driven out of the kingdom and its territories, in the same month they gave me the order to undertake with sufficient men my expedition of discovery to the Indies.” So begins Christopher Columbus’s diary. The expulsion that Columbus refers to was so cataclysmic an event that ever since, the date 1492 has been almost as important in Jewish history as in American history. On July 30 of that year, the entire Jewish community, some 200,000 people, were expelled from Spain.
Tens of thousands of refugees died while trying to reach safety. In some instances, Spanish ship captains charged Jewish passengers exorbitant sums, then dumped them overboard in the middle of the ocean. In the last days before the expulsion, rumors spread throughout Spain that the fleeing refugees had swallowed gold and diamonds, and many Jews were knifed to death by brigands hoping to find treasures in their stomachs.
The Jews’ expulsion had been the pet project of the Spanish Inquisition, headed by Father Tomas de Torquemada. Torquemada believed that as long as the Jews remained in Spain, they would influence the tens of thousands of recent Jewish converts to Christianity to continue practicing Judaism. Ferdinand and Isabella rejected Torquemada’s demand that the Jews be expelled until January 1492, when the Spanish Army defeated Muslim forces in Granada, thereby restoring the whole of Spain to Christian rule. With their most important project, the country’s unification, accomplished, the king and queen concluded that the Jews were expendable. On March 30, they issued the expulsion decree, the order to take effect in precisely four months. The short time span was a great boon to the rest of Spain, as the Jews were forced to liquidate their homes and businesses at absurdly low prices. Throughout those frantic months, Dominican priests actively encouraged Jews to convert to Christianity and thereby gain salvation both in this world and the next.
Methinks you have mixed the muz history with Spanish. You need some scholarly references besides wikipedia.
Me thinks you need glasses because I didn’t reference Wikipedia.
Here’s the rest of the excerpt from Joseph Telushkin. Jewish Literacy. NY: William Morrow and Co., 1991
The most fortunate of the expelled Jews succeeded in escaping to Turkey. Sultan Bajazet welcomed them warmly. “How can you call Ferdinand of Aragon a wise king,” he was fond of asking, “the same Ferdinand who impoverished his own land and enriched ours?” Among the most unfortunate refugees were those who fled to neighboring Portugal. In 1496, King Manuel of Portugal concluded an agreement to marry Isabella, the daughter of Spain’s monarchs. As a condition of the marriage, the Spanish royal family insisted that Portugal expel her Jews. King Manuel agreed, although he was reluctant to lose his affluent and accomplished Jewish community.
In the end, only eight Portuguese Jews were actually expelled; tens of thousands of others were forcibly converted to Christianity on pain of death. The chief rabbi, Simon Maimi, was one of those who refused to convert. He was kept buried in earth up to his neck for seven days until he died. In the final analysis, all of these events took place because of the relentless will of one man, Tomas de Torquemada.
The Spanish Jews who ended up in Turkey, North Africa, Italy, and elsewhere throughout Europe and the Arab world, were known as Sephardim — Sefarad being the Hebrew name for Spain. After the expulsion, the Sephardim imposed an informal ban forbidding Jews from ever again living in Spain. Specifically because their earlier sojourn in that country had been so happy, the Jews regarded the expulsion as a terrible betrayal, and have remembered it ever since with particular bitterness. Of the dozens of expulsions directed against Jews throughout their history, the one from Spain remains the most infamous.
Sources: Joseph Telushkin. Jewish Literacy. NY: William Morrow and Co., 1991. Reprinted by permission of the author.
There is no doubt that the Jews have been treated atrociously by all people,but for different reasons. The Spanish were particularly cruel to the Jews but I think we should bear in mind Spain’s very troubled history and very cruel treatment at the hands of the Muslim who ruled Spain for centuries. Of course the Church was of the opinion that the Jews should be a despised and persecuted race because of the betrayal by them of Christ, this influenced them to a considerable degree. It does seem that Spain practice of Christianity had become ,to some extent ,Islamised by the long years of Muslin control and influence. Jews were often seen to gain privileged positions under the Muslims; this was seen as a sign of Jewish treachery.although both Jews and Christians were dhimmi under the Spanish Muslims Jews were often more able and therefore were able to obtain better treatment. This did not help them with the Muslim “street” however and often the Muslim citizens took it upon themselves to put the kafir in their place,dhimmitude. Spanish Christianity appears to have inherited some of the Islamic methods and ideas with regards to Jewry; no other country was quite like Spain in her methods of Christianity and other Christian countries were wary of Spain’s attitudes. Islam’s Jew hatred started with Mohammed and his resentment of their rejection by them of his claim as a new prophet in the line of Abraham and Moses. This hatred was entrenched by the accusation by Muhammed that the Jews had changed the scriptures to cut him out. Muhammad of course slaughtered the 800 men of the Banu quarayza tribe and Islam carried on the slaughter to this day. Destruction of Jewry is a basic part of Islam.
Not all Christian church leaders were anti Jew but ,sadly ,Many were . The important thing of course that there is no justification for this treatment in Christianity. The church of course does not actively persecute Jews now but her attitude to Israel is troubling. Islamic Jew hatred is open ended and Islamic theology cannot be revised so Jew hatred and the desire to exterminate the race will always be a feature of devout Islam. Islam did not mind the Jews going into their country from Spain as they would be dhimmi and pay heavy taxes,contributing hugely to the wealth of the umma.
Thank you for such a clear discourse of muslim insanity perpetrated on the west by islamic hordes. Perhaps someone should email this truth to the muz in chief. He is an evil beast.
Publicly they deny any such atrocities or at least claiming it was the C.I.A./FB.I. or whoever who really did it. Ibrahim’s rule of numbers is holding remarkably close to the truth. Especially when you take into account that they are flooding the world especially Europe and Britain. As for integration, that is not and never was the idea. They are here to subjugate, not integrate. helped considerably by the last two terms of office of the President of the US. Once they have succeeded in their aim of Islamifying Europe (America will take a little longer) They can happily turn their attention again to Sunni v Shi’ite. As if it mattered a jot who should have been Caliph after Mohammed
He ‘s had enough reminders, Since he is with the enemy -the islam-0-Nazis-he will do all he can to destroy our culture and country. The only way is to do in the IDEOLOGY of EVIL Islam and nazis as well.
Little whiny christians will not win this fight, rough men who despise all religion related murder and mayhem will win this fight. We will kill them while they kneel on their filthy greasy little rugs.
Written as if by a true Illuminatus.
Please cite an example “rough men who despise all religion” or an atheist regime that fought or defeated Islamicists. The Roman Catholic Crusades and the U.S. Protestant dominated Barbary Wars are two just, notable and noble examples of Christians fighting Islam. Even the recent Gulf War and Iraqi/Afghanistan War was prosecuted by two Christian Presidents, Bush and Bush. Western atheists are the most liberal, pacifist, Western hating, liberty hating, Islamophiles.
Bush and Bush are anything but ‘Christians’.
Read “The Franklin Cover-up”
Publically they profess Christianity. Ok, if you don’t accept them, then Chris Kyle, the “American Sniper” was a fundamentalist Christian. The point is: Christianity, both Protestant and Catholic have a record of fighting Islam. Atheists are the very people that are complicit with and collaborating with Muslims.
You stated “atheists” are the people complicit with and collaborating with Muslims. I disagree. They are not atheists. At the top, meaning those who move the chess pieces, are not atheists. They are people who believe in and work for the powers of this world. Outwardly, they may profess another deity, but amongst themselves, again, in the inner circles, they are not at all atheists. You may find the book titled, “The Most Dangerous Book in the World” by S.K. Bain and Peter Levenda, of interest.
Great article. What is missing is the tie between the Knights Templar and Jesuits to the Roman Catholic Church and Islam. There is still much to be uncovered in the history and how ALL of these have ties at the highest levels of the secret societies. Islamist terrorism is the chaos they will use to implement marshal law and the new world order and one world religion, and ultimately the rule of the anti-christ! There is an ancient tie with the Knights Templar and Islam that goes back to times before the Roman Catholic was brought into existence by Constantine. Even as in those days when Rome used entertainment to distract the masses while the Roman government made laws and changed laws to rule the masses, the same is happening today with competitive sports and even the Olympics, Hollywood is in this mix as well as the pope discrediting the Holy Bible and claiming that the RCC is God’s seat on earth…….and on and on and on! Sometimes you must look backwards to see forward. II Thessalonians 2:. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
The Knights Templar did not exist in the time of Constantine. The Templars came along roughly 800 years later.
Another who unfortunately doesn’t understand that the Byzantine Empire was the “Eastern Roman Empire” called themselves Romans, and had the longest running empire in modern history. Yet not one kid in the West learns about this, a tragedy from a historical and Christian point of view.
It stands out to me how Moslem history has been swept under the rug, and for a long time. For all the huffing and puffing in universities and books about imperialism and great conflicts, little to nothing is taught of the extraordinary success of Moslems over the last 1,400 years. There is something about the belief system that asks for, and gets, silence.
Thank you excellent article, I would only hope our dumb down society would get off their duff’s and start to read and learn history. (my daughter-in-law is a history teacher).
History unrevised; except that The Church is not to take up the temporal sword
+ Matthew 26:52 + Romans 13. It did – and the first victims of its oldest hatred
were the Jews; it still is – in the political fora of the world, the UN primus inter pares,
in its unrelenting assault on the State of Israel = ‘veil’ed anti-Semitism.
V. “The Crusades Aren’t Our Problem”, Sarah Honig, Jerusalem Post,
Friday February 13, 2015
Very timely put article. Especially after the “counter-culture revolution” in the 60s the ability to read texts about Europe’s past has gone. Uncritical followers of Marxist lecturers repeat platitudes as parrots. – As I have read on the web: “Political correctness is a tool of Marxism. Radical Islam is the means by which Marxism is burning down the world to create Fundamental Change.”
I subscribe more to the theory that Islam is once more on the warpath against civilization, but the two pestilences can go in unison.
They are similar in ideology and use each other to achieve their evil goals.
You’re absolutely right, soda.
Teddy Roosevelt saw it clearly in 1916. An excerpt is below (lest this be TL,DNR). But I fear that Europe no longer has what it takes to resist, unless it will be the soccer hooligans and their ilk. I hope we here have the stomach the Europeans once had.
Teddy Roosevelt, 1916:
“Christianity is not the creed of Asia and Africa at this moment solely because
the seventh century Christians of Asia and Africa had trained themselves not to
fight, whereas the Moslems were trained to fight.Christianity was saved in
Europe solely because the peoples of Europe fought. If the peoples of Europe in
the seventh and eighth centuries, an on up to and including the seventeenth
century, had not possessed a military equality with, and gradually a growing
superiority over the Mohammedans who invaded Europe, Europe would at this
moment be Mohammedan and the Christian religion would be exterminated. Wherever the Mohammedans have had complete sway, wherever the Christians have been unable to resist them by the sword, Christianity has ultimately disappeared. From the hammer of Charles Martel to the sword of Sobieski, Christianity owed its safety in Europe to the fact that it was able to show that it could and would fight as well as the Mohammedan aggressor. …..The civilization of Europe, America and Australia exists today at all only because of the victories of
civilized man over the enemies of civilization because of victories through the
centuries from Charles Martel in the eighth century and those of John Sobieski
in the seventeenth century. During the thousand years that included the careers
of the Frankish soldier and the Polish king, the Christians of Asia and Africa
proved unable to wage successful war with the Moslem conquerors; and in
consequence Christianity practically vanished from the two continents;”
This may interest you;
Good old Teddy R. We could use a man like him today.
Just imagine what he’d think of the creature currently infesting the White House.
Very good & timely article. I see the criticisms which seem quite valid. So, maybe Mr. Ibrahim & one or two of the critical scholars on this blog, might team up and re-write this article. Why? Because I would like to circulate a more historically accurate article locally, as I have earlier proposed on JihadWatch, by “nailing it to local church doors,” Martin Luther-style. Or, actually by handing it to local pastors in person. Or, sometimes by e-mailing the revised article to all local churches. And to local media, too.
Medieval Europe invented modern math, science, technologies, universities, and about 1000 products from eyeglasses to the blast furnace to water mils for grinding grain to the world’s greatest art and literature. It was not Dark. The Crusades were a delayed 400 year reaction against the Moslem Jihad. Moslems slaughter 10.000 daughters a year, the Inquisition which targeted reconversos about 2.500 over 250 years…..Morons and worms who know 0 about history are one of our greatest problems.
Amen. It was Dark insomuch as the black plague hit and economic realities changed harshly under the constant Islamic attacks. You are right on though, not dark at all. The Byzantines held all the libraries and documentation that kept the ancient knowledge alive, furthermore. They held off the attacks until 1453. More falsehoods about the quickly vanishing golden age of Islam are spread when in reality they conquered and ruined the great cultures of Syria and Iraq in the little time they refer to a golden age. What a hoot
The Black Plague was probably directly responsible for the Renaissance. It caused a social revolution that just kept growing and growing.
The “Golden Age of Islam” was simply the brief window of time in which the Arabs were able to parasitize the wealth and knowledge of the nations they conquered – like barbarians capering about in the stolen robes of the Roman noble whose estate they had sacked – but had not yet sucked them dry into the barren husks that many of them still are to this day.
AMEN to the last paragraph of this piece.
In brackets, the authors added:
[Jews often received the same treatment and worse primarily for being associated with Islam and Muslims.] There is a hidden history of the close relationship between Judaics and Islam. www revisionist history (dot) org should be of interest.
Who really started the Islamic religion? Who FUNDED ‘the prophet’? Cui bono?
Hey brother Ray, at some stage you are going to have to catch up with the times and look at the forensic report conducted by Dr. Judy Wood regarding 9/11 and maybe you will then learn finally that whatever world power turned the WTC complex into dust used a Directed Energy Weapon which is well beyond the capabilities of Bin Ladin’s CIA organized fake Muslim terrorists. If you are genuine and not a NWO operative, please keep up with reality as you will be simply peddling disinformation otherwise and your US government credentials already condemn you anyway.
Yawhew and Allah are brothers, demons masquerading as Gods! The hierarchy that covertly rules Judiasm, Christianity and Islam are of the same Satanic group who dumb-down, brainwash and manipulate the masses into supporting their evil agenda using lies and the propaganda of hate! All 3 religions are hateful, and are taught to hate each other and others who believe different then themselves. Nothing loving about any of them, regardless of what christians believe about themselves….as an ex-christian I know first hand how hypocritical and hateful christians really are.
While all you ‘good’ Christians posting here know how evil Islam really is, you ignore the atrocities of your own religion! One example out of thousands are my ancestors, the Saami, the indigenous people of Nordic Europe. The Saami were and are one of the most peaceful people in history. They never had armies and only fought others in self defense. They were reindeer herders who learned not to express anger nor commit any type of violence within their communities because the reindeer herds were easily spooked by any show of agression and would bolt. The reindeer were the lifeblood of the Saami. The Saami are also one of the very few cultures in history were women were equal with men. The few cultures were women and men were equal have had considerably less violence then most of the other cultures were women were suppressed, abused and treated like property, which includes most cultures, including the west.
The Saami were (and many still are) peaceful Shamanic Pagans who were the last Europeans to fall to Christian aggression and violence starting in the 13th Century and beyond. Saamis were burned alive and beheaded if they didn’t convert to Christianity. Ditto for many cultures that were Christianized. Those who ‘converted’ practiced their true beliefs in secret. The ‘good’ Christians destroyed the Saami’s sacred drums, outlawing the drums and their spiritual throat singing called joik or yoik, punishable by death if caught drumming or singing.
The atrocities committed by all the patriarchal religions are abominations in the eyes of the Creator. I pray for the fall of all the demonic religions, and the revival of true spirituality, Shamanic Paganism. Namaste’
OK crazy man.
Not to harp on the gentle, peaceful, enlightened Sami, but I suppose you know their standard penalty for female adultery was to carve her up and eat her?