Ongoing reports decrying “anti-Muslim” Buddhists seem to miss the point: this antipathy did not appear out of thin air but rather in response to Islamic aggression—the same Islamic aggression the rest of the world is trying to cope with.

A Financial Times editorial titled “Buddhist militancy triggers international concern” opens by describing the “traumatic first-hand view” of a Muslim woman whose home was attacked and possessions plundered by Buddhists in Sri Lanka. Says the woman: “If I could meet those responsible, I would ask: ‘Sir, does your Lord Buddha teach this?’”
Some paragraphs down, readers discover that her home was attacked during the course of “two days of clashes with Muslims,” which were “sparked by a street-corner disagreement between a Buddhist monk and a young Muslim,” and which left three people—religious identity unstated—dead.
So even this centerpiece story meant to demonstrate Buddhist intolerance begins with a quarrelsome “young Muslim” who may have been the one to initiate hostilities (unlike, for example, the habitual and unprovoked persecution millions of Christians and other minorities experience in the Muslim world.) But FT does not allow for that interpretation, arguing instead that the incident “is part of a wider trend: the rise of a new generation of militant anti-Muslim Buddhist organisations.” At no point does the editorial point out that Muslim minorities regularly provoke Buddhist backlashes.
An Al Jazeera report titled “Myanmar’s Buddhist terrorism problem” cites major clashes that erupted in May 2012 and which displaced numerous Muslims. But, as one digs further, one realizes that these clashes were sparked after Muslims raped and slaughtered a Buddhist woman.
And a New York Times article tells of how
Ashin Wirathu, a Buddhist monk with a rock-star following in Myanmar, sat before an overflowing crowd of thousands of devotees and launched into a rant against what he called “the enemy”—the country’s Muslim minority. “You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog,” Ashin Wirathu said, referring to Muslims. “I call them troublemakers, because they are troublemakers.”
While all such reports are meant to highlight Buddhist intolerance, for those who can read between the lines—or who are familiar with Islamic teachings, history, and current events—it is clear that Buddhists are responding to existential threats posed by the Muslims living among and around them.
Consider the words of Fr. Daniel Byantoro, a Muslim convert to Orthodox Christianity:
For thousands of years my country (Indonesia) was a Hindu Buddhist kingdom. The last Hindu king was kind enough to give a tax exempt property for the first Muslim missionary to live and to preach his religion. Slowly the followers of the new religion were growing, and after they became so strong the kingdom was attacked, those who refused to become Muslims had to flee for their life to the neighboring island of Bali or to a high mountain of Tengger, where they have been able to keep their religion until now. Slowly from the Hindu Buddhist Kingdom, Indonesia became the largest Islamic country in the world. If there is any lesson to be learnt by Americans at all, the history of my country is worth pondering upon. We are not hate mongering, bigoted people; rather, we are freedom loving, democracy loving and human loving people. We just don’t want this freedom and democracy to be taken away from us by our ignorance and misguided “political correctness”, and the pretension of tolerance. (Source: Facing Islam, endorsement section).
The fact is, as in other countries where they are minorities, Muslims in Buddhist nations often initiate violence and mayhem. In Buddhist-majority Thailand, where Muslim minorities are concentrated in the south, thousands of Buddhists—men, women, and children—have been slaughtered, beheaded, and raped, as Muslims try to cleanse the region of all “infidel” presence. (Click here for graphic reports and images that shed light on why Buddhists are becoming increasingly anti-Muslim.)
Accordingly, Wirathu, the “radical” Buddhist monk cited by FT, NYT, and Al Jazeera—the latter simply calls him the “Burmese bin Laden”—is on record saying: “If we are weak, our land will become Muslim.” The theme song of his party speaks of people who “live in our land, drink our water, and are ungrateful to us”—a reference to Muslims—and how “We will build a fence with our bones if necessary” to keep them out. His pamphlets say “Myanmar is currently facing a most dangerous and fearful poison that is severe enough to eradicate all civilization.”
To this, the NYT scoffs, pointing out that “Buddhism would seem to have a secure place in Myanmar. Nine in 10 people are Buddhist… Estimates of the Muslim minority range from 4 percent to 8 percent…”
As mentioned, however, in neighboring Thailand, Muslims also make for about 4% but are engaged in a genocide against Buddhists in the south where Muslims are concentrated.
More importantly, history—true history, not the whitewashed versions currently peddled in American schools—demonstrates that for 14 centuries, Islam has, in fact, wiped out entire peoples and identities: what we today nonchalantly refer to as the “Arab World” was neither Arab and almost entirely Christian in the 7th century, when Islam came into being and went on the jihad. Today, Christians remain a persecuted and steadily dwindling minority.
If Buddhists understand that their entire civilization is at stake, the FT, NYT, and of course Al Jazeera editorials carry all the trademarks—moral relativism and pro-Islam bias, and that dangerous mixture of confidence and ignorance—that characterize the Western elites’ inability to acknowledge, let alone respond, to Islamic aggression.
If non-Muslims resist their own destruction at the hands of Islamic jihadists, they are now deemed by the Left to be “terrorists” on an equal moral footing with the Muslim fascist-sadists who are attempting to kill them. The insanity of the Left’s fallacious, infantile and contemptible attempts at moral relativism knows no bounds.
They are not “missing the point”- they are bought and sold to the Arabs. Its all about Islamic agitprop. This agenda can no longer be overlooked. The world does not belong to Allah; the Mohammedan expansion project must be stopped.
Sure, guys. It’s all the fault of the Jews in Israel.
AND the Hindus in India.
AND the Buddhists in Myanmar.
AND the Bahai’i in Iran.
AND the Christians across the Middle East.
AND in North America.
AND in Europe.
AND in Africa.
There’s a pattern here — a pattern that nobody in the mass media seems to see.
Yes. Don’t they think it odd that almost everywhere where you have religious conflicts muslims are involved? Although buddhists have commited violence from time to time, can anyone show an official buddhist teaching telling them to kill others? How many other groups are currently under a buddhist terror threat?
It’s beyond belief
All religious believers
Islam is a societal pathology. It creates a dysfunctional society. It is contagious and spreads with violence.
Western “leaders” with PC blinders refuse to look at the big picture. Every place on the face of the earth where Muslims are a majority is a dysfunctional society.
Look at the pathological Middle East. It has been the recipient of the largest transfer of wealth (oil revenues) of any society in the history of the earth. And what do you have? A sociological cesspool of hate and violence.
Islam is by far the largest collective problem the world faces.
Journalists are like malignant tumors metastasizing lies.
The core of liars in the American and European press deserve the very worst.
There are serious spiritual risks to those who resist Islam in the name of their religion. Buddhism and Hinduism have karmic consequences. Christianity and Judaism warn of eternal separation from God. In all cases, fighting is permissible but discouraged – all cases but Islam; in Islam, not fighting is the course of action that risks spiritual consequences. A Muslim that gets himself killed fighting for Islam is the only kind of Muslim guaranteed paradise. This is why Muslims around the world are so aggressive and their victims are so passive. They have everything to gain and we have everything to lose.
Consider what it takes to provoke Buddhists. Buddhist monks need peace to achieve enlightenment. The wild passions of warfare are the opposite and wrong direction for any Buddhist. They risk more than getting themselves killed. This is something the secular (and formerly Buddhist loving) West refuses to understand.
So we CAN say Buddhist terrorism, but we’re not allowed to connect Islam with terrorism. Check.
I didn’t read the article yet, but isn’t it odd that it says in quite big letters that this man is the face of “Buddhist Terrorism”, while the same MSM and leftist politicians refuse time and time again to associate groups like the Islamic State with Islam, saying they’re un-Islamic, etc etc?
I even remember how people tried to paint Anders Breivik as a “christian terrorist”, even though this made no sense and even before we knew anything about the man.
Why the double standards? Why is the only religion that terrorists cannot follow Islam?
Wherever Muslims go, conflict and chaos ensue. And it’s somehow ALWAYS never the Muslim’s who are to blame for creating these environments or for their violence. And, who knows, maybe they’re right. Maybe Allah is helping them. Because what happens every time someone stands up to these monsters? The “good guys” fight the innocent ones that have been dealing with their parasitic destructive drain on society. God forbid anyone should ever defend themselves against Muslims. So yeah, they are superior I suppose, through everyone’s reaction to them it is confirmed. Terrorism works. Mind games work. Victim crying works. They get away with not only murder, but genocide and societal destruction on a scale that is unmeasureable.
Here from Arakan Human Rights and Development Organisation (AHRDO) about what is happening and why
Another reason: There are Muslim terrorist in Myanmar!
Western media never said anything about this Muslim terrorist in Myanmar
Is there any face of Islam terror?
There is also
a lesson to be learnt from the history of India. Ancient India was plundered
pillaged and destroyed by the Arab Muslim Invaders. The job was made easy for
them, the door left wide open as is being done now by Europe. Centuries of
Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism had bred the fight out of Indians, the
principles of these religions though noble and admirable could not stand up to
the gut wrenching savagery and chilling cruelty of the Arab Muslim invaders who
lived by the sword. While Hindu India was discussing theology, professing peace,
reveling in the arts, creating Universities like Nalanda and seeking the
spiritual, the Arab Muslim world was smelting itself in the fires of war, sublimating
the softer instincts, toughening mind and body to accept and melt out mind
numbing cruelty, separating the women and children from the men so they could
not be corrupted by kindness or compassion in their quest to rule the world and
to spread their faith by force.
When the
invaders from the Arab world stormed into India the Indians were taken by horrified
surprise. Their genteel breeding was no match for the savagery of the invaders.
They were stunned into immobility by the scale of cruelty that the invading
hoards were able to perpetuate. Their ineffective and sluggish response to the
attacks, were the result of centuries of conditioning about benevolence, kindness,
sympathy following the path of Dharma (Truth) Ahimsa (nonviolence) and renunciation.
When Mohammed
Gazni and Mohammed Ghor were plundering the many temples including the Gold
rich Somnath temple, when they were raping the young girls, when they were dragging
away thousands of women and children to be used and sold as slaves in the Arab
markets, the Indians had no fight in them to stand up to it. In fact they could
not even understand that the human mind was capable of such exquisite savagery.
Years later even after being left battered and
bruised, trounced and ruled over by Arabs and Persians, millions forcibly
converted and the rest subjugated, the Hindu India could not break free of its
nonviolent mold, could not rouse themselves for the ruthlessness of war. They
continued to accept passively the various Mongol invasions, the Mughal rule and
the British rule. Even when they did break free it was done by appealing to the
British (who were certainly more civilized and could be negotiated with) by
using nonviolent principles.
But by then the damage was done.
The Europeans now are in the position the
Indians were in. They do not understand what they are getting into. Years of civilized
living has made successive generations unable to grasp the savagery of the Arab
Muslim world.
This time the invasion is relatively peaceful,
Europe anyway having opened its doors willingly.
The regret will come too late, when hard won
freedoms are slowly lost, when women gradually lose their rightful place in the
scheme of things, when boys and young men are lost to the pleasures of savagery
and when a civilization starts to decline is when the regret will come. It will
be too late to turn back the clock.
It is time for the dark ages again. This time
we cannot recover. A day may come when perhaps the Louvre will meet the same
fate as the museums in Palmyra and the Bahamian Buddhas. The cancer has spread
and infiltrated now. The oil money is in the hands of the Arab Muslims. It has
been used to buy the media and mess with people’s head, to make them open
doors, to accept inequality as normal, to instill a sense of shame and guilt to
be used for leverage, to wave accusations of islamophobia and racism to halt
debates or criticisms, to squash the voice of reason. The oil money has also been used to buy the various
heads of state, to pass laws that will accept unreasonable demands and laws
that will justify bigotry and curb freedoms, laws that will promote inequality and
The press being used to convince the people, hordes
of single young men in the age group of 18 to 40 in designer jackets with iPhones
are all starving ‘refugees’. Pictures of a little dead baby used gleefully and shamelessly
to whip-up sentiments to bulldoze all obstacles. The press has informed people
that they are closet fascists and xenophobes for objecting to these people
trampling into their lives; they are told it’s ridiculous to be wary of these
young men. Men who have so far lived in a society that has given them no more
than a glimpse of a woman’s ankle and indoctrinated into believing that any
women who shows more, is a loose woman who deserves to be taken advantage of.
The press has managed to draw an imaginary line
between the so called refugees and the chaos they have created in their home
counties. As if the chaos is not of their making. That these are people who
believe in freedoms and democracy, running away from extremists persecuting
them. Extremists who are not made from them but from some alien race, following
a different religion and ideology from the so called refugees. The press has
invested victimhood on the very people, whose beliefs lead to the intolerant
society they are fleeing from, still carrying with them the same beliefs that
will automatically destroy any place they flee to.
Europe has invited a savage cult into its midst
for the sake of diversity. May be it is
already too late.
I’ll take the Buddhists over the Moslem scum any day. Moslems are demons in the flesh. Never trust a Moslem. Never believe a word they say.