Islamic jihadis never fail to find an excuse to slaughter innocent Christians. For example, as discussed here, secular Western actions that have nothing to do with Christianity are often enough to provoke Muslims to blame, locate, and attack Christian minorities in their midst as way of “retribution.”

Now, as shown in a new video, the Islamic State branch in Libya has slaughtered 21 innocent Coptic Christians who were originally kidnapped in early January.
An article in Dabiq, the Islamic State’s online magazine in English (pdf accessible on Coptic Solidarity) titled “Revenge for the Muslimat [Muslim women] Persecuted by the Coptic Crusaders of Egypt” claims that 21 Christians were slaughtered in “revenge” for two Coptic women who, back in 2010 and according to Islamic propaganda, were compelled by Egypt’s Coptic Orthodox Church to recant their conversion to Islam and return to Christianity.
Indeed, back then, the late Coptic Pope Shenouda III was portrayed as “a U.S. agent, an abductor and torturer of female Muslim converts from Christianity, who was stockpiling weapons in monasteries and churches with a view to waging war against the Muslims and dividing Egypt to create a Coptic State.”
Such is Islamic propaganda and projection—always accusing others of what Islamists habitually do.
The Islamic State magazine further cites the 2010 Islamic jihad on the Our Lady of Salvation Church in Iraq as a product of “revenge” for those same supposedly forced-to-reconvert-back-to-Christianity women in Egypt.
Then, armed jihadis stormed the Iraqi church during worship service, opened fire indiscriminately at Christian worshipers, before detonating their suicide vests, which were “filled with ball bearings to kill as many people as possible.” Nearly 60 Christian worshippers — including women, children, and even babies (graphic pictures here) — were slaughtered.

The al-Qaeda/Islamic State jihadis who carried out the 2010 raid on Iraq’s Our Lady of Salvation Church gave the same “revenge” excuse to justify killing nearly 60 Christians — Christians who were not even Coptic, nor in Egypt, but in Iraq peacefully worshipping.
Now, after calling that attack on the Iraqi church a “blessed operation,” the Islamic State claims the same hackneyed accusation against the Coptic Church in order to slaughter more Coptic Christians.
Once again, then, ludicrous Muslim “grievances” — in this case, that the Coptic Church forced two Muslim converts to return to Christianity in a Muslim-majority nation that habitually kidnaps and forces Coptic girls to convert to Islam — are cited to justify the random killings of Christians around the world in general, Coptic Christians in particular.
DAESH used the same word as obama used – “grievances” – but obama added the word “legitimate.” Are they joined at the hip?