The degradation of Christian women living in the Islamic world continued in the month of June. In Syria, after the al-Qaeda linked rebel group conquered Qusair, a city of the governate of Homs, 15-year-old Mariam was kidnapped, repeatedly gang raped according to a fatwa legitimizing the rape of non-Sunni women by any Muslim waging jihad against Syria’s government, and then executed.
According to Agenzia Fides, “The commander of the battalion ‘Jabhat al-Nusra’ in Qusair took Mariam, married and raped her. Then he repudiated her. The next day the young woman was forced to marry another Islamic militant. He also raped her and then repudiated her. The same trend was repeated for 15 days, and Mariam was raped by 15 different men. This psychologically destabilized her and made her insane. Mariam became mentally unstable and was eventually killed.”
In Pakistan, Muslim men stormed the home of three Christian women, beat them, stripped them naked and tortured them, and then paraded them in the nude in a village in the Kasur district. Days earlier, it seems the goats of the Christian family had accidentally trespassed onto Muslim land; Muslims sought to make an example of the Christian family, who, as third-class citizens, must know their place at all times.
The rest of June’s roundup of Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes (but is not limited to) the following accounts, listed by theme and country in alphabetical order, not according to severity:
Attacks on Christian Worship: Churches and Monasteries
Iraq: During the middle of the night, armed gunmen attacked St. Mary’s Assyrian Catholic Church in Baghdad; they wounded two Christian guards, one seriously. Later the same day, bombs were set off at two Christian-owned businesses, both near the church; they killed one Christian shop owner who was a parishioner at St. Mary’s. Since the U.S. “liberation” of Iraq in 2003, 73 churches have been attacked or bombed, and more than half of the country’s Christian population has either fled or been killed.
Kenya: Motorbike assailants hurled an explosive device into the Earthquake Miracle Ministries Church in Mrima village church compound during the Sunday of June 9, injuring 15 people, including one pastor who had both his legs broken, another pastor who sustained serious injuries, and a 10-year-old child. Said another church leader, “The Christians living around the scene of the incident are still in shock and are wondering as to the mission behind the attack, while several pastors looked demoralized. But others said prayers will help them stand strong in sharing the Christian faith.” Islamic extremists from Somalia’s jihadi organization Al Shabaab are suspected of this and other attacks on Christians in the coastal areas of Kenya.
Nigeria: Four churches were burned in an attack committed by members of the jihadi group Boko Haram in Borno State in the Muslim-majority north of the country. According to Agenzia Fides, “A group of armed men with improvised explosive devices and petrol bombs attacked the Hwa’a, Kunde, Gathahure and Gjigga communities on Gwoza Hills, burning the 4 churches, raiding and looting cattle and grain reserves belonging to the population.” Discussing the ongoing terrorism Christians in the north are exposed to, one pastor lamented, “There are Christian villages that have been completely wiped out by these Muslim terrorists… Christian fellowship activities and evangelism outreaches are no longer possible…. For a number of years, the attacks on Christians in these three local government areas have caused the displacement of thousands of Christians there. There is a very lamentable problem, as we are no longer able to worship God as Christians in this part of Nigeria.”
Syria: An Islamic jihadi rebel wearing a suicide belt reportedly detonated himself outside the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church in an old Christian quarter in Damascus; the attack left four people dead and several injured. Rebel sources confirmed the attack but said it was caused by a mortar bomb. Around the same time, jihadi rebels massacred the Christian village of al-Duwair near Homs, while destroying its churches. Also, according to Agenzia Fides, a Belgian Catholic priest, Fr. Daniel Maes, 74, of the religious Order of Canons Regular Premonstratensian, was last reported as being “in the sights of jihadi groups who intend to eliminate him and invade the monastery of San James mutilated in Qara,” which dates back to the fifth century. Earlier the priest had denounced the “ethnic cleansing” carried out on Christians in Qusair, after the town was taken by the rebels and jihadi groups: “The surrounding Christian villages were destroyed and all the faithful who were caught were killed, according to a logic of sectarian hatred… For decades, Christians and Muslims lived in peace in Syria. If criminal gangs can roam and terrorize civilians, is this not against international laws? Who will protect the innocent and ensure the future of this country? … Young people are disappointed, because foreign powers dictate their agenda. Moderate Muslims are worried, because Salafists and fundamentalists want to impose a totalitarian dictatorship of religious nature. The citizens are terrified because they are innocent victims of armed gangs.”
Attacks on Christian Freedom: Apostasy, Blasphemy, Proselytism
Indonesia: The Indonesian Ulema Council in Tegal issued a fatwa against Catholic schools, saying they are “forbidden” and “morally unsound” for young Muslim students, despite its pupils, both Muslim and Christian, routinely scoring higher than in other schools. “For the schools,” reported Asia News, “the fatwa is a great blow, coming in the wake of attacks from Muslim extremists and local governments that included threats of closure that were however eventually dropped… [M]any Muslim families have come to the defence of the two schools, claiming their right to a quality education. In fact, many schools run by nuns, priests and lay Catholics offer such excellence in education that they are sought after by non-Christians.” Earlier the influential Indonesian Ulema Council lashed out during flag-raising “because Mohammed never did it;” before that announcement, the Islamic clerics “launched anathemas against Facebook for its ‘amoral’ nature, as well as yoga, smoking and voting rights, in particular for women.”
Pakistan: A 16-year-old boy who converted to Christianity from Islam a year ago, and began attending Bible lessons in a Protestant community, was abducted in Peshawar. Local sources said he was kidnapped by Taliban-linked Islamic militants “and his fate may already be marked, as he is considered ‘guilty of apostasy,’” the penalty of which is death. As one Pakistani pastor explained: “If a young Muslim converts to Christianity in Pakistan, he is forced to live in hiding. Every Muslim might feel compelled to kill him. The change of religion is not punished by the civil law, it is punishable by Islamic law. For this reason cases of Muslim conversion to Christianity are very rare and some convert in secret.”
Somalia: Islamic terrorists from Al Shabaab (“The Youth”) publicly executed a 28-year-old man after determining that he had in fact become a Christian. Aiming at his head, he was shot “to death.” As Morning Star News explains, “Somalis are considered Muslim by birth, and apostasy, or leaving Islam, is punishable by death.” After the execution, the man’s parents, widow and son fled the region. The Al-Qaeda linked Al Shabaab has vowed to cleanse Somalia of all Christian presence, and its members have murdered dozens of Muslim converts to Christianity.
Uzbekistan: Four police officers raided the home of a 76-year-old Christian woman, ill with Parkinson’s disease. After removing her from her bed and without producing a search warrant, they “turned everything in the home upside down,” and confiscated her Bible and other Christian materials. Since then, the woman has been subjected to innumerable legal proceedings. Most recently, she was convicted of “Illegal production, storage, or import into Uzbekistan with a purpose to distribute or distribution of religious materials by physical persons.” The judge ordered that her Bible, 14 Christian books, six DVDs and a video be destroyed. She was told by court officials, “This is a Muslim country and all of your Christian books including the Bible are outlawed.” Because these proceedings have caused her extreme anxiety, after one hearing an ambulance was called for her.
Dhimmitude: A Climate of Hate and Contempt
Bangladesh: A mob of some “60 extremists” raided a predominantly Christian village. According to the group, Barnabas Aid, “they plundered the residents’ livestock and other possessions and threatened to return to burn down homes. The attackers then moved on to nearby Bolakipur and targeted a Christian seminary. Battering down the doors, they forced their way into the building and severely beat the rector and a number of students. The previous day, two church leaders from Tumilia were beaten and robbed.”
Egypt: “Unknown persons” kidnapped a 7-year-old Christian girl in Dakhaleya Province in northern Egypt. The girl, Jessica Nadi Gabriel, was attending a wedding ceremony with her family when she was seized and torn away. Her father later revealed that the 7-year-old girl’s abductors called him demanding a ransom of 650,000 Egyptian Pounds (nearly $100,000 USD). Two weeks earlier, a 6-year-old Coptic boy who was kidnapped and held for ransom, was still killed and discarded in the sewer—even after his family paid the Muslim kidnapper the demanded ransom. Also, a Coptic Christian man named Milad, living in Tanta, said that “unknown persons” invited him and his family to renounce Christianity and submit to Islam and convert. According to widely-read Egyptian newspaper Youm7, “They also snatched at the crucifix he was wearing around his neck, and threatened to kidnap his children and wife if he refused to convert to Islam.” As they wore the trademark white robes and long beards, the man identified them as members of the Salafi movement in Egypt. Meanwhile, U.S. ambassador Anne Patterson was urging the Coptic pope to forbid the Copts from protesting against Muslim Brotherhood rule—even though they, as Christians, were to suffer under it the most — while Al Azhar, the world’s oldest Islamic University, and based in Cairo, called on new Catholic Pope, Francis I, to declare that “Islam is a peaceful religion.”
Iran: According to a June 19 Morning Star News report, “Six more Christians were sentenced for practicing their faith last week, while Iran’s presidential election of a moderate politician was not expected to soften the regime’s persecution of religious minorities.” The same six Christians had been arrested earlier in February 2012, when police raided their house-church meeting. Officials rejected their appeal for release on bail; they are being held in Adel Abad Prison in Shiraz, which houses hardened criminals and often lacks heating or health facilities, and where officials routinely deny medical treatment to prisoners.
Pakistan: Three months after a mob of 3,000 Muslims attacked a Christian neighborhood in Lahore, burning down two churches and 160 Christian homes, few of the perpetrators are in prison. Hundreds of those detained immediately after the incident were released; of the 83 who were arrested, 31 have been released on bail. “Most of the people who were stopped after the attack were declared innocent by the police and immediately released, for corruption or political pressure,” said a Christian lawyer. Meanwhile, the Christian whose arrest on blasphemy charges was the occasion for the rampage has gone on trial, even as he insists he never insulted Islam’s Prophet Muhammad.
Palestinian Authority: Five schools in Gaza—two Catholic and three Christian—face closure if the Hamas government follows through on an order forbidding co-educational institutions. According to Fr. Faysal Hijazin: “This will be a big problem. We hope they will not go through with it, but if they do, we will be in big trouble. We don’t have the space and we don’t have the money to divide our schools.” In addition to finding additional space, he said, the schools face having to hire more teachers. Under Islamic law, men and women teachers would not be allowed to teach classes to members of the opposite sex older than the age of 10. “It is a concern that in education things are getting more conservative,” said the priest. “It reflects the whole society. This is of concern to both Christians and moderate Muslims. It is not easy to be there.”
Tanzania: Two Christian pastors were attacked by Muslims. On the night of Sunday, June 2, a Muslim mob broke into the home of Robert Ngai, the pastor of the Evangelical Assemblies of God Church in northeastern Tanzania, and attacked him with machetes. The pastor received serious cuts on his hands and arms when he raised them to protect his head from the blows; when last heard of, he was in the intensive care unit. Two nights earlier, the home of Daudi Nzumbi, Pastor of the Free Pentecostal Church of Tanzania congregation in Geita, also came under attack. However, the attackers fled after they were confronted by Pastor Nzumbi’s large, barking dogs. When Nzumbi called police, the officer in charge told him, “I cannot protect every pastor!”
About this Series
Because the persecution of Christians in the Islamic world is on its way to reaching pandemic proportions, “Muslim Persecution of Christians” was developed to collate some—by no means all—of the instances of persecution that surface each month. It serves two purposes:
1) To document that which the mainstream media does not: the habitual, if not chronic, Muslim persecution of Christians.
2) To show that such persecution is not “random,” but systematic and interrelated—that it is rooted in a worldview inspired by Sharia.
Accordingly, whatever the anecdote of persecution, it typically fits under a specific theme, including hatred for churches and other Christian symbols; sexual abuse of Christian women; forced conversions to Islam; apostasy and blasphemy laws that criminalize and punish with death those who “offend” Islam; theft and plunder in lieu of jizya (financial tribute expected from non-Muslims); overall expectations for Christians to behave like dhimmis, or second-class, “tolerated” citizens; and simple violence and murder. Sometimes it is a combination.
Because these accounts of persecution span different ethnicities, languages, and locales—from Morocco in the West, to India in the East, and throughout the West wherever there are Muslims—it should be clear that one thing alone binds them: Islam—whether the strict application of Islamic Sharia law, or the supremacist culture born of it.
Previous Reports:
- May, 2013
- April, 2013
- March, 2013
- February, 2013
- January, 2013
- December, 2012
- November, 2012
- October, 2012
- September, 2012
- August, 2012
- July, 2012
- June, 2012
- May, 2012
- April, 2012
- March, 2012
- February, 2012
- January, 2012
- December, 2011
- November, 2011
- October, 2011
- September, 2011
- August, 2011
- July, 2011
You must attempt this non-violently otherwise whats the point you simply try and suppress a genocide construct with another, but I am not sure cultures of genocide constructs of Other take any notice of such niceties. Tony Blair said it would not be easy I agree. I expect there is going to be violence if you keep silent or you speak up.
Firstly you do the math, research to establish if there is a cultural link – i.e. If humanity should be much more concerned in time and space regards a culture as a whole rather than individuals.
Such research needs to be based across cultures secular and religious – Islam should not be simply the focus as Islam is not the only genocidal construct(my perception doing the rounds)
Sociological and psychological research on the link between foundation codex (genetics, (con) textual constructs, exemplar-leadership (messianic) templates) construct of Other inclusive of women, relative individual, group and State responses.
Development of prejudice age 0-, relative ability for State to change once set, ….
Statistics on growth of extremism with cultural population growth which enables greater scope for setting feedback mechanisms, -growing numbers relatively as elsewhere of enforcers via fundamentalist groups.
Establish if it really matters under a ‘freedom’ democratic construct or not – Indonesian experience would say no ( but needs to be confirmed)
State by State analysis current an historic of growth of Muslim population and correlation with:
– diminished of rights of Other and women.
– cross and inter cultural violence,
– exclusionary statements regards Other (ie Sydney Mosque fatwa against Christmas) and women which may flag negative ethical movement.
– violent statements regards Other
– terror actions successful and thwarted
– longitudinal surveys of inter-cultural views
– growth in extremist organisations /groups/ individuals (linkages back through time and space)
– growth in Muslim terror organisations /groups/ individuals (linkages back through time and space)
– growth in Muslim teaching organisations/ schools/ correlated to fundamentalist views and action.
– cultural visibility of women’s subservience to Man,
– calls for Other and women to accept Islamic law to be the basis for Muslim law.
– increased statements for women to be pure otherwise they deserve what they get (meat), or are the actual cause of natural disasters
– increasing calls for inclusion of cultural laws
– no go zones for Other and/or women,
– Muslim clusters numbers and size linked to socioeconomic and defined Islamic indoctrination levels
– growth in dogma centric criminal gangs linked to extremist groups
– internal cultural violence,
– public enforcement of Islamic norms non-violent/violent.
– definition changes over time of median notion of Liberal/Moderate/Fundamentalist/ Extremist/Terrorist/ ‘True believer’
– relative increase in cross Islamic sect violence
– work has been done on percentage population required to support insurgency (relative external support with globalization) if this is appearing related to population growth.
What historically and currently constitutes a ‘True believer’ and what this means for the status of Other and women in particular.
Examine the notion cultural Islamic dress for women is actually a ‘Free’ choice given the cultural dictates and psychological pressure to conform – notion of Free and statistics should be able to resolve this relatively quickly – because if it is a free choice why aren’t Other equally participating?
Examine as a priority the possible connection between the relative subservience of women degree of textual construct, actual, inclusive public displays of subservience (forget about God HE does not exist this has been set up to train women to be subservient to Man under the auspices of a fictitious God figure) and a correlation to cultural (growth of fundamentalism) feeding into violence internal/external given these varying degrees of subservience within – I have a feeling there is going to be a more than significant connection between the relative degree of subservience and violence against Other – why is this very important to establish if its true? What does it tell us comes along with increased numerical & intensity (type of dress) public displays of subservience. Also related directly to the culturally derived clothing – what are the relative level of ‘Freedoms’ for Other associated with these states.
It is also important to determine how true wearing the Muslim veil and niqab and Burqa is a ‘free choice’ devoid of cultural pressure to conform and the various psychological states and relative power states each relatively inform for women – also the impact on the relative level of acceptance of the subjugation of women and lessening of the respect for women equality which may be associated with such states and if the feminist construct and derived relative power of women means such depictions of subservience should be banned.
If the analysis indicates a strong correlation between growth numbers of a culture or derived from a culture violence, push for or actual political diminution of rights of Other particularly women then I believe other cultures who determine violence is unacceptable and the diminution of political rights of all inclusive of women have to be enhanced and protected have a right to act. Why? Because my view ignoring in space and time such genocide constructs is a mistake – they will not simply disappear under the weight of the so obvious benefits of togetherness. Major schism will be inevitable as Tony Blair rightly pointed out.
Then once established the probability of schism is as is reflected on the ground historically and currently very high then and it is scientifically verified having Muslims anywhere near the Public Square means schism is inevitable in time and space:
1 remove all institutional support, political, educational, for cultures defined as containing genocide constructs and advancing diminution of Other and women’s rights.
2. Make sure new generations of citizens are not exposed to genocide constructs.
3. Ban public displays of affiliation as you would for any genocide construct that is set to destabilize and terrorize your societies.
4. Support ongoing research and researchers into culturally derived schism emanating from culture codex and set up the legal and enforcement frameworks to remove such codex from the Public Square.
Yes it moves away from the cultural relativist ethical nihilist paradigm if we all hold hands everything is going to be OK. Has it worked, is it working is the security risk diminishing or increasing?
The argument is do nothing as it will only be the actual cause of schism. I believe all this does is enable a major schism in time to occur which fails to recognize the real cause as specific cultural construct of Other and simply leads to a cultural genocide in both directions. Where we see fascist constructs on both sides trying to negate each other out.
I believe humanity has to recognize the root cause of internal/external cultural violence are our cultural foundation codex and the ever present existence of liberal moderates simply makes no difference to the endgame. The point is to scientifically determine what are the key constructs in codex which will inevitably inform ‘major schism’ over time and be honest about this otherwise humanity simply lurches from one genocide to the next.
“Communities (cultures) tend to be guided less than individuals by conscience and a sense of responsibility. How much misery does this fact cause mankind! It is the source of wars and every kind of oppression, which fill the earth with pain, sighs and bitterness.” (Albert Einstein, 1934)
This is a hate site. The Nazis had nothing on you reptiles.
Now what is this site asking? Is it heinous? A change to cultural foundation codex which will enable a peaceful and flourishing life for all. What this site is recording are actual heinous acts, historic and current, of a specific Culture Islam/ Muslims against Other – recorded real life tragedies happening every single day since Muhammad stumbled from the cave claiming he heard voices – and you accuse this a site of aligning itself to Nazi ethics for doing so.
Do you know how absurd such a view is? It is the same of accusing someone of recording the violence perpetrated against Other by the Nazi as an unforgivable act – it really is quite removed from reality.
If a reptile is one who reveals the nature of a genocide construct and informs not only why it occurs but records it reflection for the sake of informing the ignorant and achieving change in public policy toward peace and a flourishing life for all then I accept the definition.
It appears you have not read Mein Kampf followed immediately by the Quran otherwise your explicit ignorance would be somewhat dulled if not from conscious awareness maybe at a sub-conscious level.
To save you the time as clearly reading may not be a strong point and argument also, as your lack of sufficient premises, in fact no premises at all to justify such an illustrious conclusion. ”This is a hate site. The Nazis had nothing on you reptiles.” I will include two textual genocide constructs (you will then need to justify in your own head why being the same you expect the outcomes in time and space to be different – and explain the daily body count) then I will give you an example of a cultural norm which was realized to inform terrible outcomes for women and it was gotten rid of.
Where do you think the ethical constructs for a head of a school girl being rolled up against a Church door comes from, the back of a packet of cereal? If it was a statistical outlier I contend even your premise lacking argument may be correct – trouble is you have a problem – not this site – it isn’t an outlier.
How do our different cultures imbue each with bias and prejudice against Other? You are arguing however poorly Islamic codex has no culturally defined negative construct of Other despite the clear evidence each day there may be a real problem with your view internally to the Muslim culture itself and externally as well extreme bias and prejudice exists to inform violence.
Do you know what a genocide construct of Other looks like? Have you ever considered how textually a culture justifies such actions?
I propose to say in truth the construct of terror exists in one foundation text Nazi Mein Kampf and not the other foundation text Muslim Quran is one of the most dishonest acts perpetrated against humanity by political elites for it perpetuates terror and particularly subjugation of woman under a failed ethical construct of cultural relativism determined as a public ‘good’.
How could I say such a reptilian thing?
Hitler’s views as to the nature of Other: moral pestilence, poison, despoilers, germ- carriers in poisoning human souls, shameful, fabricators, falsehood, cunning and despicable, derogatory, evil, cold-blooded, thick-skinned and shameless, alien race, evil spirits, absurdity of their teaching, obstinacy, tricks of logic, falsehoods, evil counsellors, perfidy, etc.
Mohammed’s views as to the nature of Other: “rejecters of Faith!” Deaf, dumb, and blind, they are the fools, in utter darkness, deceive themselves, their hearts is a disease, make mischief therein and shed blood, transgressors, Be ye apes, despised and rejected., ignorant (fool)!, illiterates, do nothing but conjecture, God’s curse is on them for their blasphemy, sold their souls, in insolent envy, wrong-doers, idolaters, perverse, blasphemers, buyers of (magic), evil-doers, in schism, wrong, wickedness,.. etc.
Hitler MEIN KAMPF -no use even trying they are evil: “But a Jew can never be rescued from his fixed notions.”
”How futile it was to try to win over such people with argument, seeing that their very mouths distorted the truth, disowning the very words they had just used and adopting them again a few moments afterwards to serve their own ends in the argument!”
Mohammed QURAN -no use even trying they are evil: 002.006 As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them whether thou warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe.”
002.007 God hath set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they (incur).
002.010 In their hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease: And grievous is the penalty they (incur), because they are false (to themselves).
002.015 God will throw back their mockery on them, and give them rope in their trespasses; so they will wander like blind ones (To and fro).
002.018 Deaf, dumb, and blind, they will not return (to the path).
002.269 He granteth wisdom to whom He pleaseth; and he to whom wisdom is granted receiveth indeed a benefit overflowing; but none will grasp the Message but men of understanding.
Hitler MEIN KAMPF – permission to kill Other: “In my opinion the most culpable .. those who did not think it worthwhile.. placing his seducer and corrupter against the wall.” Etc.
Goebbels (Nazi propaganda Minister) “The Jews are guilty! The Jews are guilty!” .. “We have nothing to contribute to it, it will come by itself, because it has to come.” …
Mohammed QURAN – permission to kill Other: “2.216. Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.
006.049 But those who reject our signs,- them shall punishment touch, for that they ceased not from transgressing. etc.
003.004 Then those who reject Faith in the Signs of God will suffer the severest penalty, and God is Exalted in Might, Lord of Retribution.
Words and sentences are not strung together in foundation codex for no reason they are there to inform and justify action – there is no God in the world to enforce ‘grievous harm’ or ‘severest penalty’ so inevitably who gets the job done? Who is getting the job done based on these very real constructs straight from the Muslim texts to inform Muslims actions. Clearly Muslim terrorists are not perverting Islam it has and is perverting the Muslim adherent.
The facts is any notions of ‘no compulsion to impose Islam on Other should be a comfort to Other are made ludicrous not only by the fact the Quran text itself informs the adherent compulsion in trying to convert is an exercise in futility because God is the one who determines who are granted the gift of ‘understanding’ and determines the Other as deaf, dumb and blind ignorant illiterates, the clear actions against Other on the ground throughout history have shown such words ‘no compulsion’ as an utter lie in practice.
Goebbels actually said the Nazi would not harm the Jews, what happened to the Jews was determined by their very natures. What happened? Why given surrounding textual constructs such statements can never be taken seriously? Look Goebbels the Nazi will do no harm – they said so?
Why do you clearly condemn a secular construct, albeit informed by historic Christian religious ethics regards Other particularly Jewish people and regard religious constructs of incapable of informing exactly the same outcomes – where I ask do these torn bodies and live come from the perpetrators are Muslims informed by Islamic foundation codex? Misinterpreting? So many and even I can see exactly where the authority is coming from textually and exemplar-leadership templates.
Muhammad joking when hearing of two people murdered one a man another a women who made fun of him does not inform real actions against Other on the ground even today? Do you actually understand how you became who you are – with your bias and prejudices – more importantly do you realize the chances of you changing them once set at 0-5 is nigh impossible?
Even reading this text however true it may be actually reinforces your bias and prejudice you are indeed right and convinced more than ever ”This is a hate site. The Nazis had nothing on you reptiles.”. I am simply doing this as a historical record I have no illusions you will comprehend consciously at least there is as Tony Blair indicated a systemic problem with Islam and unless humanity is ‘honest’ there will be ‘major schism’ as in Egypt, etc. in Western streets.
Example of cultural foundation codex informing terrible outcomes for women in fact their very non-existence requiring a drastic cultural foundation codex reconstruct.
Source: New Internationalist October 2013 “Where have all the girls gone?, The scandal of sex selection”
The Girls are back in town
“.. In 1990 Korea recorded 116 boys being born for every 100 girls – the most distorted ration in the world at the time. By 1992 it had risen to 117. But then the trend went into reverse – and fast. By 2000 it was down to 109 boys per 100 girls; and by 2007 it was back to normal again.
How did it happen?
Official recognition (it requires Official recognition hence for Tony Blair’s call for public policy makers to be ‘honest’)) of a demographic crises in the making was swiftly followed by public awareness raising. On TV public advertising campaign, for example, focused on a class of 10 to 14 year-olds and pointed out how many of the boys would be left without a female partner when they grew up. There was also a strengthening of laws. Doctors and other professionals found out helping parents to select the sex of their child were given stiff penalties.
But (and here is where you will have to actually think rather fall back on old assumptions) the wider picture was changing too. Industrialization and urbanization had weakened the hold of a rural life dominated by Confucian beliefs and patriarchal inheritance structures that made it necessary for parents to have a son. …
A number of measures were taken to tackle sexism at work and in the home. These included laws on more equal employment (including affirmative action) and on sexual violence. The patriarchal Family Head system was finally abolished in 2005.”
What happened in South Korea, was there was a systemic problem with their culture regards their cultural foundation codex construct of women? Did it matter there were a majority of liberal moderates who determined they did not believe in such ethics regards women and would gladly have a girl child – what was the impact of the cultural foundation codex as a whole?
You seriously believe even given the redirection of massive resources and loss of so many precious lives every day there is not possibly a systemic problem with Islam’s cultural foundation codex construct of Other and women that needs to be forced to change if necessary to protect humanity? Seriously?
What happened in South Korea, was there was a systemic problem with their culture regards their cultural foundation codex construct of women? Did it matter there were a majority of liberal moderates who determined they did not believe in such ethics regards women and would gladly have a girl child – what was the impact of the cultural foundation codex as a whole?