The Stream Part 1 here Despite their much-vaunted “people of the book” appellation — the significance of which apologists for Islam have strained beyond credulity — both Christians and Jews are, in the end, also classified as infidels. Thus Koran 5:51 warns Muslims against “taking the Jews and Christians as friends and allies … whoever among you takes them for friends and … [Read more...]
Silence! Why Radical Muslims and Triggered Leftists Are the Conjoined Twins of Offense
The Stream Despite their many outward differences, Islamic authoritarianism and leftist liberalism are very similar. Take how radical Muslims and triggered liberals brook no dissent—that is, brook no “blasphemy” against their sacred things and ideas. In his discussion of Koran 5:33, which calls for the crucifixion and/or mutilation of “those who wage war against Allah and … [Read more...]
‘Stop Being a Christian! They Are Worthless’: The Muslim Persecution of Christians, April 2024
Gatestone Institute The following are among the abuses and murders inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of April, 2024. The Muslim Slaughter of Christians Uganda: On Apr. 10, a Muslim man murdered his own mother for refusing to leave the Christian faith. Two months earlier, Sulaina Nabirye, a 50-year-old widow, had put her faith in Christ. Immediately, … [Read more...]
Video: Armenia’s Slow Motion Death to Islam
Yesterday I discussed how Armenia was ceding more of its territory to its Muslim neighbor on OAN's Tipping Point with Kara McKinney: … [Read more...]
Why Istanbul Is Not Constantinople (Anymore)
The Stream Precisely 571 years ago today — May 29, 1453 — the Turks sacked the ancient Christian kingdom of Constantinople, slaughtering and raping thousands of people simply because they were Christians and then, transforming their city into Muslim Istanbul. And, as they do every year, Turks — from their president on down — are saber rattling today in commemoration of that … [Read more...]