Recently, while traveling by plane, I decided to pass the time by watching one of the movies offered. I settled on "The Last Voyage of the Demeter," which is based on a chapter of Dracula (1897), by Bram Stoker. Having read that novel a couple of decades ago and, moreover, having an interest in the actual Vlad III Dracula, I figured why not? Before long, I was reminded why I … [Read more...]
A Look at True Systemic Discrimination: America vs Egypt
Coptic Solidarity Generally speaking, which nations are more prejudiced and discriminatory—Western or non-Western nations? Listening to Western media, the answer seems clear enough: the West, still dominated by ethnically white people, is rife with systematic racism, unlike the much more egalitarian, non-white and non-Western world. Nor does it seem to matter how many … [Read more...]
Understanding Islam: Theory vs Practice
The gulf between understanding Islam in theory and in practice is wide and telling. Based on the findings of a recent study, what Western peoples think of Islam when relying on secondhand information from the powers-that-be (the media, the political “elite,” etc.) is vastly different from what they think of Islam after personally experiencing it. According to the report, In … [Read more...]
Video: The Saints and Sinners Who Defended the West from Jihad
On Jan. 31, 2024, Fr. Mitch Pacwa of EWTN Live interviewed me. The video and EWTN's description follow: "Fr. Mitch welcomes author and expert on Islam, Raymond Ibrahim. They discuss the historical saints and sinners who defended the Christian West against Islamic jihadist aggression." … [Read more...]
‘Shut Up and Wash Some Feet!’ Super Bowl Commercial Promotes Doormat Christianity
Once again, Christians are being reminded that their sole and exclusive function in life is to be doormats for all and sundry. One of Super Bowl Sunday’s ads, titled “Foot Washing,” consists of several consecutive images of people washing the feet of other people. As might be expected, the ad was infused with a very not so subtle political element: the majority of those … [Read more...]