My recent appearance on EWTN's Bookmark Brief: … [Read more...]
War Room Video: Europe Commits Suicide on the Altar of Islam
My recent appearance on Stephen Bannon's War Room, discussing my article, "Europeans Will Succumb to Islam, Says Former Intelligence Chief." … [Read more...]
Denmark Bans ‘Sacrilege’ (Guess for Which Religion)
Denmark recently capitulated, forfeiting its hard-fought freedoms to those who hate it. According to a recent report, Denmark’s parliament has passed a bill that makes it illegal to burn copies of the Quran in public places... The bill, which prohibits “inappropriate treatment of writings with significant religious importance for a recognized religious community,” was passed … [Read more...]
‘Europeans Will Succumb to Islam,’ Says Former Intelligence Chief
Islam is on the verge of completely taking over Europe, in all ways—at least according to one who should know, Hans-Georg Maaßen, Germany’s top domestic intelligence chief from 2012 to 2018. In a recent interview, he stressed several points that spell the imminent downfall of Europe to Islam. His warnings are buttressed by disturbing demographic changes. According to … [Read more...]
Canada: Nearly 100 Churches Torched, Four during Christmas, 2023
The Stream About 100 churches have been vandalized, torched, or desecrated over the last two-and-a-half years—not in Egypt or Nigeria, but in Canada (mapped and listed here). While this phenomenon received a bit of media attention, after some 30 churches were initially torched in the summer of 2021, that number has significantly grown to 96, with the authorities doing little, … [Read more...]